Consultation for trade and service entrepreneurs
Consultation for operating and start-up entrepreneurs (shops, catering businesses, service providers, wholesale traders, etc.), falling under commercial law regulation, concerning legislation related to this field.
Where to start
Submit your consultation request on the e-service website
Personal identification
To submit your request, log in to the e-service platform using your ID card or mobile ID or Smart ID and click on Nõustamisteenused (Consultation services). Click Jätka (continue).
Where to start
Send an e-mail with questions to [email protected]
As a rule you will receive an answer via e-mail within one workday. In case of more complex problems, within three workdays.
When the result is unsatisfactory
Submit a recurring query and specify the question.
Where to start
Please contact the service provider and schedule a time for consultation.
You'll receive an immediate answer or if it requires longer explanation then you will receive the answer at a scheduled time and in the way it will be agreed upon.
Tallinn Strategy Center
Reception hours
Where to start
Call to 640 4232 or 640 4398.
You will receive an answer immediately. In case of a complex issue the official will call you back or send the answer to e-mail.
Tallinn Strategy Center
Reception hours
Tallinn Strategy Center
- Tallinna Linnavolikogu 18.09.2008 määrus nr 30 "Alkohoolse joogi jaemüügi kitsendused"
- Alkoholiseadus
- Tubakaseadus
- Majandustegevuse seadustiku üldosa seadus
- Tarbijakaitseseadus
- Tallinna Linnakantsleri 10.01.2023 käskkiri nr T-29-1/23/8 "Volituste andmine Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse linna ettevõtlusteenistuse tarbijakaitse osakonna ametnikele"
- Tallinna Linnavolikogu 17.09.2020 määrus nr 14 "Piirangud alkohoolse joogi jaemüügil kohapeal tarbimiseks"