General information and the development of scenic districts
The City of Tallinn values districts with unique historical and cultural elements that play an important role in enriching the urban space, creating diversity and preserving history.
In light of public interest objectives, a district that has been designated as cultural heritage by the local government is primarily defined and protected with the planning prepared on the basis of the Planning Act.
Our goal is to preserve scenic districts in their unaltered form for their historical structure plans, positioning of buildings, distinctive architecture and landscaping. It is important to introduce restrictions to preserve and determine the development opportunities of culturally valuable heritage. Additionally, restrictions are essential to provide a high-quality living environment in scenic districts and preserve the diverse and significant urban space without hindering the development and construction work in these districts. Specialists from different fields have been involved in the designation of scenic districts and valuable objects. The conditions of protection and use have been prepared on the basis of international principles, documents and practices.