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Heritage Protection

Heritage Protection

Tallinn is a city with a rich history and cultural heritage. There are nearly 1000 immovable sites protected by the state – buildings, monuments or archaeological sites that make up the most valuable part of Estonian heritage. In addition, there are over 1200 art pieces in Tallinn under the protection of the state. Here you can find services, benefits and contact information on heritage protection in Tallinn.

Tallinna vanalinn

The Old Town of Tallinn is a protected heritage site on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Old Town is made up of the medieval centre of the town and its surrounding earthworks redoubt. The Old Town of Tallinn has a well-maintained 13th-century street network, property structure and many medieval buildings, including the city wall and its towers. In addition, the buildings give an overview of Estonian architectural history from the Gothic period to the 21st century. The Old Town of Tallinn is also an archaeological site that covers the same area as the heritage protection area.

The Old Town is surrounded by suburbs that also have plenty of important historic sites in addition to scenic districts. This includes the Kadriorg Palace grounds and historic summer houses, remarkable examples of our rich industrial heritage and 20th-century architecture and the cemeteries.

Additional information:


Tallinn Urban Planning Department’s Heritage Protection Department Services

Heritage protection, restoration and archaeological consulting
The Heritage Protection Department advises owners of memorials or buildings within heritage conservation areas on maintenance, repairs, construction, conservation and restoration. Additionally, it offers guidance on archaeological matters, provides instructions and offers maintenance schedules if necessary.

You can send your questions via e-mail or call us to schedule a meeting with a specialist in person.

The department’s general phone number is +372 645 7188.
E-mail: [email protected]
Muinsuskaitse eritingimuste andmine

Kinnismälestise või muinsuskaitsealal asuvale ehitisele ehitusprojekti koostamiseks on vajalikud muinsuskaitse eritingimused. Eritingimused annab Tallinna linnas lähtuvalt Muinsuskaitseametiga sõlmitud halduslepingust Tallinna Linnaplaneerimise Ameti muinsuskaitse osakond. Rohkem informatsiooni leiate siit.

Specialists’ contact information:

  • Matters regarding the Old Town Kristiina Frolova [email protected] telephone: +372 645 7187
  • Archaeology Ragnar Nurk [email protected] telephone: +372 645 7183
  • Art memorials, churches 
  • Memorials outside the Old Town
Silver Liiberg [email protected] telephone: +372 5854 5518
Claudia Valge [email protected] telephone:+372 645 7174
  • Engineering advice Hillar Kersa [email protected] telephone:+372 645 7311
  • Drafting special conditions for heritage protection: ​​
Oliver Orro [email protected] telephone: +372 645 7315
Anett Anton 
[email protected] 
telephone:+372 5353 2664
Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla
[email protected]
telephone: +372 645 731
Granting special conditions for heritage protection

To compile a construction project for a building that is an immovable monument or within a heritage conservation area, special conditions for heritage protection apply. The special conditions are set in Tallinn City by the Tallinn Urban Planning Department Heritage Protection Department, per a management agreement made with the National Heritage Board. You can read more here.

Granting permits for working on immovable monuments and heritage conservation areas

To work on monuments, their protected zones or within heritage conservation areas, a permit must be applied for from the Heritage Protection Department or a notice must be submitted to them, depending on the situation. For simple works on monuments, such as maintenance or repairs, no agreement has to be applied. Additional information and applying for permits. 

Receiving a permit for archaeological studies

You can read more here.

Granting permits for the conservation or restoration and modifying preservation conditions for movable monuments (art monuments)

Kui kunstimälestis vajab konserveerimist-restaureerimist või on mingil põhjusel vajalik selle ilme muutmine, siis sellisteks töödeks on vajalik muinsuskaitse osakonna luba. Kui on vaja muuta kunstimälestise hoiu- ja säilitamistingimusi, siis selle kohta tuleb esitada osakonnale teatis. 

Granting permits for installing outdoor cafeterias, small equipment or outdoor advertisements in Tallinn Old Town or on immovable monuments 

The installation of outdoor advertisements in heritage conservation areas and on monuments must be approved by the Tallinn Urban Planning Department’s Heritage Protection Department. The suitability of all advertisements displayed will be individually assessed by the Committee for the Review of Signage and Urban Design Projects of the Heritage Protection Department. See information about the application.

Distributing restoration grants

Tallinn distributes grants through the Heritage Protection Department for preserving (in the form of maintenance, conservation and restoration) buildings or culturally significant single objects within Tallinn’s monuments, heritage conservation areas and scenic districts. The grant may also be requested for compiling restoration action plans and projects for the aforementioned buildings as well as for the restoration of culturally significant grave markings and fences in historical cemeteries of cultural importance. See information about the application. 

Advice for creating an operative map

To safeguard your valuables and invaluable cultural heritage in unforeseen circumstances, it is essential to critically assess the conditions and preservation details of the property. In the event of an accident, it is crucial that the response is as efficient as possible to minimise the damages caused. 

The operative map is created by the owner of the building, and the information in it is sent to the Estonian Rescue Board. Read more on the
Heritage Protection Board website.

Archive Maintenance

Building documents related to heritage protection are located in the archives of the Department of Heritage Conservation Raekoja plats 12, phone number +372 640 4724 or e-mail [email protected].

Read more about the
Tallinn Urban Planning Department archive, the documents contained there and how to access them. 


Don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Tallinn Urban Planning Department’s Heritage Protection Department counsels, handles and coordinates work on immovable monuments and objects on the UNESCO World Heritage List in the Tallinn Old Town historic area according to the administrative contract signed with the National Heritage Board.

Heritage Protection Department Contact Information

Tallinn Urban Planning Department’s Heritage Protection Department is located at Raekoja plats 12, Tallinn, 10146
e-mail: [email protected]
telephone: +372 6457 188

Muinsuskaitse osakond vanalinnas Raekoja plats 12


Last modified 08.10.2024