Creation, division, merger and the modification of borders of a registered immovable (cadastral unit)
Sample to aid in file preparation. Possible to download applications for the merger/division of a cadastral unit and to change the borders of cadastral units. Descriptions of procedures and references to legislation.
Where to start
Study the procedure stages for the division of registered immovables (here), the procedure stages for the merger of registered immovables (here) or the procedure stages for the modifiaction of borders of the registered immovable (here). Prescribed land surveying that will be executed during the process and and the file drafting for the cadastral unit must be ordered from a licensed land surveyor. If necessary, consult with Karin Remmelgas (phone 6404358, e-mail [email protected])
City Planning Department
Kohapeal vastuvõtt toimub eelneva kokkuleppe alusel
City Planning Department
Kohapeal vastuvõtt toimub eelneva kokkuleppe alusel