Investment projects
- Tallinn Industrial Parks
- Kopli Strand development project
- Katleri development area
- Loopealse Residential Area
- Port area of Paljassaare
- Paevälja Residential Area
- Kurepõllu Development Area
- Paldiski mnt 80B (Tivoli area)
- Paljassaare tee 17
- Liivalaia Development Area
- Sossi hill
- Ülemiste City - Smart City
- Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol
Betooni Industiral Park
Owner: City of Tallinn (Tallinn Industrial Parks AS)
Location: Betooni industrial park is situated at Betooni 6 (area between Peterburi Rd and railway at Sarruse Str.).
Project description:
- 3.6 ha area covers 6 industrial lots with the area of 2500 m2.
- In accordance with the approved detailed plan the site is intended for manufacturing and office spaces (purpose of land: 80% industrial land, 20% commercial land). Plan allows construction of 1-5-storey buildings, preferrably light manufacturing.
- At the moment there are 4 lots with the area of 2500 m2 on sale: located at Sarruse Str 4, 6, 8, 12, Tallinn. All the communication lines to the border of the lot have been constructed.
Suur-Sõjamäe Industrial Park
Owner: City of Tallinn (Tallinn Industrial Parks AS)
Location: Suur-Sõjamäe industrial park is situated in the plot of land at Suur-Sõjamäe 29B
Project description:
- In accordance with the approved detailed plan the site is intended for manufacturing and office spaces (purpose of land: 80% industrial land, 20% commercial land). Plan allows construction of 1-4-storey buildings.
- All lots are on sale.
- Size of the planned area is 6.4 ha, divided into 16 lots with the size of 2500-5200 m2.
More information
Contact: Mr Ivar Lindpere (Tallinn Industrial Parks AS)
Phone: +372 50 230 77; +372 683 7954
Fax: +372 683 7950
E-mail: ivar(at)
Owner: City of Tallinn
Location: located on the Kopli peninsula between the sea area, Sepa Str and Kopli Str, 5 kilometers from the Tallinn Old Town and the city centre.
Description of the area: Tallinn city holds a land lease auction to develop the Kopli Strand residential area. The city intends to find a developer, who would develop the Kopli Strand residential area, including infrastructure facilities (roads, water supply and sewerage system, recreational areas, green areas etc) for the whole project area. The area of the Kopli Strand development project covers approximately 16.7 ha, of which the volume of the construction area is ca 60,621 sq meters and building capacity around 56 500 m². According to the adopted detail plan up to 5-storey apartment houses with ca 527 apartments and 38 single-family houses can be constructed in the area.
More information /kopliliinid/eng
City Property Department
Project manager: Natalie Neill-Puskar
Phone +372 640 4514
E-mail: [email protected]
Owner: City of Tallinn
Location: Located in city district Lasnamäe, Katleri resettlement, Narva Rd, and near the Mustakivi Rd and Läänemere Rd intersection, about 6,7 km from the city centre.
Description of the area: No buildings.
Mustakivi Rd 29 property – cadastral register number 78403:307:0078, area 5960 m², purpose of land - commercial;
Mustakivi Rd 31 property – cadastral register number 78403:307:0081, area 2309 m², purpose of land - residential;
Mustakivi Rd 35 property – cadastral register number 78403:307:0079, area 5529 m², purpose of land - commercial.
Project description: Adopted detailed plan. Construction rights:
- Plan allows construction of 2 five-storey buildings on Mustakivi Rd 29 which maximum building footprint is 2277 m² and gross enclosed area 9352 m²;
- Plan allows construction of up to 16-storey buildings on Mustakivi Rd 31 property, which maximum building footprint is 290 m² and gross enclosed area 4640 m²;
- Plan allows construction of two 16-storey buildings on Mustakivi Rd 35 property, which maximum building footprint is 1860 m² and gross enclosed area 9691 m².
City Property Department
Natalie Neill-Puskar
Phone +372 640 4514
E-mail: [email protected]
Plot: Puju St 2,4/ Angerpisti St 1,3,5
Owner: City of Tallinn
Location: about 16 hectares in city district Lasnamäe between Narva Rd and perspective Rahu Street, about 7 km from downtown Tallinn, no buildings.
Description of the area: cadastral register number 78403:305:0130, area 14112 m2, purpose of land - residential.
Project description: No plannings have been compiled for this area. Property remains in the area of prospective residential buildings. Approximate gross enclosed area is about 21,000 m². Superficies – 5-and 8-storey apartment buildings.
City Property Department
Ms. Natalie Neill-Puskar
Phone +372 640 4514
E-mail: [email protected]
- Photo of Loopealse Area
- Map of Loopealse Area
Owners: private ownership
Location: the area between Lume tn, Nõlva tn, Paljassaare tee and port basin.
Description of area: Developing a former industrial port into a modern living, business and recreational environment together with ports for small boats and liner ships. A beach promenade passes through the area. Planned development time is 10 -15 years, the development is based on the structure plan of the port area of Paljassaare (approved on 30.05.2007).
Total area 405,516 m2
Planned gross area of superficies 1,195,440 m2
Apartments 5,500
Population 16,000
Green area 123,000 m2
Kindergartens 7
Length of beach promenade 3,000 m
OÜ ARS Projekt
Narva mnt 7d, 10117 Tallinn
Tel. +372 6664646
Fax + 372 6601313
- Map of Port area of Paljassaare
Owner: City of Tallinn
Description of area: The site is located at the seaside area of city district Lasnamäe on a limestone bank, approximately 1,5 km from the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds and about 7 km from downtown Tallinn.
Project description: No plannings have been compiled for this area. Total area for development is ca 20.3 ha, including 9 ha of residential quarters, commercial area of 3 ha, 1.8 ha of public buildings, landscaping 2 ha and streets 4.5 ha.
City Property Department
Ms. Natalie Neill-Puskar
Phone +372 640 4514
E-mail: [email protected]
- Photo of Paevälja Residential Area
- Map of Paevälja Residential Area
Owner: City of Tallinn
Description of the area: No buildings. Narva Rd 138 and 140a properties are located in close proximity of the limestone bank, with a view on the sea and the city from the second floor.
Project description: Tallinn City Council Decision No. 75 of 22.03.2001 established the detail plan of the area between Narva Rd, J. Smuuli Rd and Lasnamäe Str extension. The plan sees 4 to 7-storey commercial and residential buildings to be construct in that area. It includes Narva Rd 138 property and partially Narva mnt 140a property. According to the plan only one plot can be formed from the city-owned land (Narva Rd 138). Other areas that are necessary to form plots are either privately owned or haven’t yet completed the land reform. According to the city general planning it is possible to build new dwellings on plots Narva Rd 140, Smuuli Rd 2 and 8, plots at the Smuuli Rd are designated for the possible development as a business area.
City Property Department
Ms. Natalie Neill-Puskar
Phone +372 640 4514
E-mail: [email protected]
- Photo of Kurepõllu Development Area
- Map of Kurepõllu Development Area
Owner: City of Tallinn
Location: the property is located in the Mustjõe neighbourhood of the Haabersti district.
Description of the property: cadastral code 78406:601:0069, area 142,891 m2, land has no intended purpose, no buildings
Project description: No detailed planning. A structural plan for the Mustjõe neighbourhood has been drawn up. The structural plan is available at /est/ehitus/Linnaruumilise-arengu-ettepanekud
Tallinn City Property Department
Natalie Neill-Puskar
Tel. +372 640 4505
[email protected]
Owner: City of Tallinn
Location: the property is located in the Kopli neighbourhood of the district of Northern Tallinn.
Description of the property: cadastral code 78408:809:0054, area 56 881 m2, intended purpose of the land: commercial land 50%, production land 50%. Various old warehouses and production plants are located on the property.
Project description: No detailed planning. According to Tallinn’s general plan, the property will be in a business area with mixed-purpose buildings. The property is adjacent to the Paljassaare port area for which a structural plan has been drawn up. The structural plan is available at /est/ehitus/Linnaruumilise-arengu-ettepanekud
Tallinn City Property Department
Natalie Neill-Puskar
Tel. +372 640 4505
[email protected]
Owners: private ownership
Description of the project: Pursuant to approved detailed plan 7 plots (Juhkentali Str 1B, Juhkentali Str 3D, Juhkentali Str 3E, Juhkentali Str 3H, Juhkentali Str 9C, Liivalaia Str 36 and Liivalaia Str 36A) will be joined together into one large multi-functional purpose plot.
- Photo of Liivalaia Development Area
- Map of Liivalaia Development Area
Ownership: private ownership
Location: the area is bounded by the Filtri Str, Odra Str, Tartu Rd, Lasnamäe Str, Kivimurru Str, Peterburi Rd and the planned South Passage. The existing land use is predominantly commercial, national defense and manufacturing land.
On the premises of former pulp factory will be created modern and diverse urban area with landscaping and street network. There is a structure plan compiled for this area, which is the basis for city development.
Area 87 768 m2
Gross enclosed area on ground 350 491 m2.
Owner: Technopolis Ülemiste AS, Mainor Ülemiste AS
Description of area: Ülemiste City is located on Suur-Sõjamäe Street, the south side bordering the Tallinn Airport and the north the Ülemiste railway junction.
Project description: Ülemiste City is a modern district located on the territory of the old Dvigatel factory in the immediate vicinity of Tallinn Airport. Ülemiste City houses a large number of innovative enterprises and its aim is to make the 36-hectare Smart City into the largest knowledge-based economic environment in the Baltic countries.
The development of the campus began in 2005, and today a well-functioning economic structure has been developed and is in operation. Approximately 81,000 m² of modern office premises have been built, and the campus also includes approximately 120,000 m² of industrial and storage premises. As of 2014, more than 200 enterprises with nearly 6,000 employees operate at Ülemiste City.
Ülemiste City offers all the advantages of a prime location, as the complex is situated within close proximity of high-throughput intercity highways on the Tallinn-Tartu and Tallinn – St. Petersburg route, with Tallinn airport and Ülemiste train station only 700 and 300 meters away respectively. The complex can be accessed from a number of Tallinn’s boroughs via public transport routes, with the city centre a mere 10-minute car drive away.
The campus gains added value from nearby shopping centres as well as the on-campus kindergarten Kalli-kalli, the European School, the Mainor Estonian Entrepreneurship University, the Bicycle House, catering services, a park, and so on. The large parking lots have room for nearly 2,000 cars.
Ülemiste City is a unique and inspiring environment that enhances creativity and innovation. In order to honour the history of Estonian science, each of the new or renovated buildings at Ülemiste City is named after one of the great figure of Estonian science – for instance, we have buildings named after Ludvig Puusepp, Walter Zapp, Ragnar Nurkse, Ustus Agur, Artur Lind, Johannes Käis and Boris Tamm.
A third of Ülemiste City campus has been developed by Technopolis Ülemiste AS, a firm that is 51% owned by the publicly traded Finnish commercial real estate and auxiliary services company Technopolis PLC. The remaining two-thirds of development is being undertaken by Mainor Ülemiste AS.
Contact: Gert Jostov (Technopolis Ülemiste AS)
Tel. +372 610 1163
Mobile +372 521 2344
E-post: gert(at)
Tehnopol is a research and business campus for start-up and growing businesses. More than 200 tech companies, the Tallinn University of Technology and IT College are located in Tehnopol.
Tehnopol provides rental premises suitable for companies operating in the area, opportunities for close cooperation with universities, and an international network, as well as the support of experts. The Tehnopol business incubator accelerates the growth of smart ideas.
Owners: Republic of Estonia (represented by the represented by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications), City of Tallinn, Tallinn University of Technology.
Description of the property: the overall area is 9.5 hectares. Located in the city district of Mustamäe (7 km from the city centre, city, 9 km from the international airport, 8 km from the port, and 7 km from the railway station) on the campus of the Tallinn University of Technology (TUT).
Description of the project:
The TehnopolResearchPark is located on 9.5-hectares. To date, almost 50,000 m2 of office, production and development space has been built. In the near future, there are plans to make investments designed to improve movement on the campus and to carry out the next stage of construction. The latter will add nearly 15,000 m2 of additional office and development space for up to 50 tech companies. The occupancy rate at Tehnopol is currently almost 95%.
The priority is to build two new centres for tech companies and to totally reconstruct almost 12,000 m2 of the existing office space.
The buildings to be built and reconstructed include:
The Tehnopol2KV office building – a business centre for ICT, health and green technology companies.
The Digi-Farm – a business centre for information technology and communications companies
The Cybernetics House – a building to be reconstructed for ICT, mechanics, green technology and startup companies.
The strongest areas of activity/sectors: ICT, health- and bio-technology, green technology and energy systems. There is also the possibility to cover other sectors based on TUT knowhow. Real estate opportunities: land and/or rental of (small or mid-sized) production, lab and office space.
Basic services (existing and/or planned):
* Business development services for businesses for more rapid growth, starting up exports, finding cooperation partners, involving investments, etc.
* Incubator services for startups (incl. preparation of business plans, finding capital, furnished office space, etc.)
* Marketing: networking, events, conference and meeting rooms, etc.
* Venture capital, assistance in finding financing opportunities
* Consulting on intellectual property, patent agents, etc. and other legal and tax-related consulting
* R&D transfer for companies
* Rental of office and lab equipment, electronic security systems, communications, maintenance services, etc.
TEHNOPOL is looking for:
* startup tech companies and those with rapid growth potential for mutual collaboration
* real estate investors for the tech park’s infrastructure and/or individual infrastructure units
* companies providing on-site services in order to bring new services to the area
Contact: Tallinn Science Park TEHNOPOL
Jaak Raie, e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +372 480 0200
- Photo of Tallinn Technology Park
- Map of Tallinn Technology Park