Tallinn in brief
Tallinn – a business-friendly capital
Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is part of the economically stable Nordic area, situated on a busy trading route between East and West with excellent ports and access to 50 million consumers within 24 hours.
Tallinn offers a business-friendly environment and welcomes foreign investors and international companies. The business environment is supported by a simple, unique and stable flat-rate tax system, which encourages long-term value creation. Foreign and domestic investments in Estonia are treated equally under the law.
Our e-services and Internet applications are among the most progressive in the world. Estonia has one of the highest levels of Internet freedom in the world. It is also one of the world’s leading countries when it comes to the use and availability of the Internet and online services.
Facts about Tallinn 2023 (pdf)
Facts about Tallinn 2022 (pdf)
Facts about Tallinn 2021 (pdf)
Факты o Таллинне 2021 (pdf)
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