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Greenery of central Pirita / Children’s Playpark of central Pirita

Greenery of central Pirita / Children’s Playpark of central Pirita

The park is located in the centre of Pirita on a plot at 3 Merivälja Road and is 0,3 ha in size. The design was completed by Mart Mets of OÜ Kivisilla and the park itself was created in 1998. The paths are of asphalt surfacing and wooden sleepers. The area is divided into zones with different activities, partially following the children’s age peculiarities. Playgrounds are set on a sandy basis and surrounded by wooden beams. Benches and trash bins are installed along the walking paths. The tree species include Swedish whitebeams, firs, maple ashes, maples, pines. The area is surrounded by the tall pea tree hedge. The bushes include snowberries, lilacs and fold‑leaved roses.

Last modified 23.06.2022