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Quality network of educational institutions

  • Meeting Tallinners’ diverse basic educational and child care needs by ensuring a sufficient number of nursery and kindergarten openings in the city’s various districts, at least 13 new nursery groups opened every year;
  • Optimizing the school network according to Tallinn school restructuring plan for 2003-2012, which will ensure a sufficient number of openings in basic schools and upper secondary schools and improved use of resources;
  • Establishing standard principles of financing and application of assembly measures;
  • Rearranging all studies into one shift;
  • Creation of municipal professional institutions;
  • Expanding learning opportunities of enrichment schools;
  • Expanding advisory opportunities based on the particular needs of children and students

Quality of academic environment

  • From 1996-2003, Tallinn invested 858.4 million kroons into improving educational buildings including 154.3 million kroons in 2003.
  • 80% of school buildings have new windows, 40% repaired roofs. Six school swimming pools have been rebuilt, and 13 schools have undergone wholesale renovation;
  • Allocations from the state “21st Century Schools” program and increasing the size of city investment in education will allow a greater breakthrough in 2004 in modernization of the learning environment;
  • Preventing dropout from upper secondary schools and ensuring that scholastic obligations are fulfilled;
  • Greater prioritizing of results-oriented indicators in scholastic work;
  • Wide-scale participation of schools in anti-drug, health promotion, conservationist, anti-violence, European integration and other educational projects;
  • Procurement of various ICT resources for all educational institutions, their more widescale use in teaching of subjects, raising the level of school administration by the e-school system and developing parent-teacher cooperation and partnership;

Quality of school management

  • Yearly evaluation of school directors on the basis of standard criteria, based on the Balance Scorecard model and promotes the development of self-appraisal by institutions and the constant monitoring and improvement of systems and results. Bonus pay on the basis of evaluation of directors;
  • Awarding Tallinn School System Quality Awards in categories such as “Good Administration,” “Good Learning Environment,” “Good Extracurricular Programs,” and “Good Teacher,” which allows quality management principles to be introduced into the school system and recognizes the work of the best in their field;
  • Internal monitoring of subordinate units performed by the Tallinn Board of Education.


Last modified 21.02.2024