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ACCESS — Culture For All

ACCESS — Culture For All

Tallinn is a participant in the ERDF Urbact international project ACCESS: Culture For All, the aim of which is to create a plan of action that will formulate the future of urban cultural spheres with the goal of providing easier access to culture for all citizens. This action plan will be input for the city's new development plan and the development documents based on it.

The lead partner of the project is Amsterdam City, with other participants being Dublin, Lisbon, London, Riga, Sofia and Vilnius.

The project duration is 01 June 2020 – 07 August 2022

Additional information on the ACCESS project can be found here:

Relevant news:
03 November 2020 – first meeting of the ACCESS project expert group
06 July 2020The second phase of Urbact's project ACCESS: Culture For All has been initiated
31 October 2019Tallinn City Council approved participation in the project ACCESS: Culture For All





Last modified 07.09.2022