GoGreenRoutes project's initial cooperation network is formed
Within development of Vormsi green area we are engaging different stakeholders to achieve nature based solution that would suit local expectation and possibilities as much as possible. Collaboration with different organisation we are also able to reach more people and raise awareness regarding benefits of urban nature. Members of cooperation network are formed based on the main goals of GoGreenRoutes project which can be generalised under three main topics: environment, community and wellbeing.
What is the aim of the GoGreenRoutes project?
The aim of the GoGreenRoutes project is to recognise the existing natural and cultural values of Vormsi park’s green area through site-specific green solutions. Our purpose is to maintain and diversify the green area by making it more accessible and pleasant so that all residents can spend their free time there. Through the project we anticipate to increase environmental awareness, establish an educational study environment and promote a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it is important to foster collective action and a sense of community – in order to achieve this, we are designing the green area in cooperation with local residents, education institutions and other organisations in the district. Besides the locals, we are involving various specialists in the environment and wellbeing field so that the final solution is well-thought out and in accordance with site-specific needs.
The video of our pilotarea is found here (in Estonian):
Why is Tallinn participating?
Through the project Tallinn is able to experiment with innovative green solutions and share its experience with other participating European cities, among them almost 40 project partners such as Versailles, Burgas and Limerick. We can especially learn from our partners which have similar climatic conditions and are engaging in similar project activities, such as Lahti and Umea. The project enables us to participate in various (international) training sessions and networking events, through which we are increasing the knowledge and competences of all parties and supporting the realisation of European Green Capital 2023. We can also use and scale tested green solutions as well as participatory planning processes as an example for future urban projects.
What area does the project focus on?
The pilot area of this project is Vormsi green area located in Lasnamäe, the largest residential district in Tallinn. Nehatu Primary School was established here in the 1930s, but only the foundation has remained till today. The school area itself used to have beehives and a fruit tree garden, from which an abundance of different apple, cherry, plum and creek trees still grow. The landscape and the fruit tree garden that was formed at that time serves as the main reference point for our current plans and further developments of the area. At the moment the green area can be seen as urban wilderness that has been unfortunately neglected and unmaintained. However it remains a valued urban nature and leisure spot by locals.
Next to the green there is a playground with different possibilities for active pastime for children and families. The area is located nearby residential apartment buildings and various education institutions which provide opportunities to engage different target groups.
What have we accomplished so far?
The first public open discussion took place as a workshop on the 8th of September, which was followed by an analysis of the results and a discussion with experts on the 29th of September (named in the project as Challenge Workshops). The aim of the meetings was to establish key values, challenges and possible solutions for the Vormsi green area and find best approaches for developing the green area according to both the resident’s expectations and the city’s possibilities. Local residents and organisations, city district officials and other specialists from various city institutions attended the workshop.
Many ideas were mentioned, but the following stood out the most:
establishing nature and health trails with varied thematic routes
maintaining and displaying the school’s ruins and the fruit tree garden
planting fruit trees by the local schools and kindergartens, and observing their growth (as part of outdoor study programme)
creating leisure areas for the older generation
organising cultural programmes and activities for all age groups that promote active lifestyle
What are our next steps?
Based on the feedback we received from the experts, we plan to conduct preliminary studies on the area to get a better overview of the existing vegetation, soil and landscape.
As a result of the primary discussions, we have received many great proposals from our network’s partners on how to diversify the Vormsi green area and which activities we should organise. We will continue to work together and involve them in planning and carrying out the primary spatial interventions (Seedbed Interventions), that will take place during 2022. For example, we could organise an environmental urban quest in cooperation with local youth centres and schools, build a terrace on the school’s foundation engaging design experts and open on top of it a pop-up café with the help of local school's student council or together with residents maintain existing fruit trees and plant additional berry bushes. To find best final solutions, we will continue to organise meetings and discussions with various stakeholders.
After the initial experiments, together with the project's cooperation network (Task Force) we will also work further to create more permanent nature based solutions. In general, we are continuing to develop the green area step by step in anticipation of turning it into an accessible green courtyard for all nearby residents, where historical and cultural events as well as outdoor education and other activities can take place.
Who belongs to the cooperation network?
We are involving many parties in the design process of the Vormsi green area in order to carefully consider all the challenges, needs and expectations of this area. Our aim is to find the best and most suitable nature-based solution through discussion, workshops and regular communication. By working together with many people and organisations, we are able to reach a wider audience to increase environmental awareness and ensure the future use of the green area.
We have chosen our networking partners based on the main goals and needs of the project, which can be grouped into three topics:
- ENVIRONMENT: to raise environmental awareness and experiment with nature-based solutions
- WELLBEING: to support the healthy and active lifestyle (both mental and physical health) of locals
- COMMUNITY: involving local residents and organisations, taking into consideration location-specific interests and needs
You can find the list of partners in the cooperation network below.
PLEASE NOTE: This list is not final and will be updated on an ongoing basis. Let us know if you are interested in cooperation ([email protected])
Tallinn Strategic Management Office (Green Transition Unit and Spatial Design Competence Centre)
Urban Environment and Public Works Department (Meelis Uustal, nature protection specialist; Kristiina Kupper, landscape architect)
Tallinn Botanical Garden
Rohelinn NGO (environmental awareness activities)
Lasnaidee NGO (community gardens activities)
- Tallinn University (knowledge on NBS approaches and environmental research)
Tallinn Social Welfare and Health Care Department (Kadri Hunt, wellbeing specialist)
Lasnamäe district Social Centre (contact not confirmed)
Lasnamäe District Administration
Lasnamäe Youth Council
Local apartment associations (Vormsi and Läänemere streets)
Lasnamäe Youth Centre
Tallinn Education Department (mobile youth work)
Local schools: Tallinn Linnamäe Russian Lyceum, Läänemere Upper Secondary School
Local kindergartens: Vormsi Kindergarten, Kihnu Kindergarten
Youth Club Active NGO (youth work)
Lasnaidee NGO (community work)
Rohelinn NGO (environmental awareness)
Tallinn University (sociological research)