Planning Intervention Workshop will determine this years' activities within the "GoGreenRoutes" project
On the 3rd of February at 16:00, an open discussion within the GoGreenRoutes project will take place near the playground at Vormsi 5. The goal of the discussion is to continue planning the future of the Vormsi green area with the help of residents, neighbourhood organisations and city officials.
Last autumn, we arranged our first meetings (Challenge Workshops) in order to understand the expectations and needs of different target groups and collect ideas for the development of the Vormsi green area. Based on those ideas, we wish to meet on the 3rd of February to discuss and get feedback on specific solutions that could be carried out in the Vormsi green area during current year.
We suggest focusing on three main topics that have been previously mentioned in earlier discussions:
- preservation of the historical heritage (the ruins of Nehatu School) and construction of a recreational area
- maintenance and development of the historical fruit garden
- development of guideposts and study trails
On the 3rd of February, we will discuss possible challendges of these proposals, decide on more precise action plan and think about how we as well as other participants could contribute to their realisation.
For our workshop we will put up an event tent with heaters, so that we can provide a warm and comfortable athomosphere despite the crisp winter weather. We will also offer snacks and warm drinks.
The meeting will take place in two parts. The workshop will start at 16:00 and continue again after a coffee break from 17:30. This way participants can join the discussion both during and after the workday.
16:00-16:30 Introduction and overview of the green solutions
16:30-17:15 Discussion in groups
17:15-17:30 Coffee break
17:30-17:50 Continuation of discussion in groups
17:50-18:20 Presentation of results
18:20-18:30 Wrap-up and summary
Let us know about your participation by filling out an online pre-registration form.
The meeting is organised by the Tallinn Strategic Management Office and Lasnamäe District Administration. The discussion is a part of the Horizon2020 project "GoGreenRoutes" that focuses on the implementation of nature-based solutions in urban spaces. You can find out more about the project on Tallinn's website.