The collection routes will take place over two consecutive weekends: 19-20 October and 26-27 October.
For two consecutive weekends, the residents of Tallinn will have a convenient opportunity to dispose of hazardous waste produced in their households in an environmentally friendly manner, free of charge. Two vehicles will be accepting waste from residents at each stop, one for hazardous waste and the other for reusable items. Hazardous waste is forwarded to Epler & Lorenz AS for recycling and materials and thus will not end up in municipal waste or nature. Items that can be reused will be handed over to the Re-Use Centre (Uuskasutuskeskus), who will repurpose the items.
Large reusable items such as furniture and functional appliances (e.g. refrigerators, cookers, etc)
will not be accepted during the collection route. Those can be taken to the re-use warehouse at the
Paljassaare waste treatment plant or to
Re-Use Centre (Uuskasutuskeskus) shops.
Collection is organised by the Tallinn Waste Centre. For additional information call 616 4000.
The following hazardous waste items are accepted:
packaging containing and contaminated with hazardous substances; power banks and batteries, inc. lead-acid batteries; expired medicine; paint, lacquer, glue and solvent residue; oils and fats, other lubricants; absorbents, filter materials, contaminated rags and protective equipment, etc.; oil filters and antifreeze residue; infectious sharp waste (e.g. old syringes); gardening toxins and fertiliser residues, pesticides; chemical residues (acids, alkali, photographic chemicals and other household chemicals); detergents containing dangerous substances; waste containing mercury (e.g. old thermometers, fluorescent lamps and energy saving light bulbs); old electrical and electronical equipment.
The following reusable items in good condition are accepted:
books; crockery and other kitchen supplies; clothes and other home textiles; toys; footwear; hobby and sport supplies; music and movie materials (DVD, VHS, etc.); furnishing items (decorations, figurines, tablecloths, etc.); accessories (jewellery, bags, belts, glasses, etc.); smaller functional electronic devices (hair dryer, toaster, kettle, blender, microwave, etc.)
SCHEDULE 19-20 October 2024
Pirita (19 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Merivälja tee 34 (Pirita Centre car park)
- 10:30–11:00 Kesk tee/Haaviku intersection (in front of Merivälja Pood)
- 11:00–11:30 Aianduse tee 64 (Aianduse/Mugula tee intersection)
- 11:30–12 :00 Võsa tee 26 car park (Padriku residential area)
- 12:00–12:30 in front of Aianduse 30B
- 12:30–13:00 Vabaõhukooli 16, car park across the road, near package recycling point
- 13:00–13:30 Rahvakooli tee 3
- 13:30–14:00 car park behind Urva bus stop
Kristiine (19 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Alajaama 1 (Järve train station car park)
- 10:30–11:00 in front of Seebi 32a
- 11:00–11:30 Tondi/Linnu tee intersection (in front of Tondi 44)
- 11:30–12 :00 near Lagle pst 2
- 12:00–12:30 near Luige 3 (Tedre põik and Luige tn empty spot)
- 12:30—13:00 near Räägu park's package recycling containers
- 13:00—13:30 Räägu 8 car park
- 13:30–14:00 Sõpruse Rimi car park (Sõpruse pst 174/176)
- 14:00–14:30 Koskla 3 and 5 car park
- 14:30–15:00 Mustamäe tee 39 car park (by the package recycling containers)
Nõmme (20 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Tammede pst 2a (in front of the playground)
- 10:30–11:00 next to Kalda tn 16 (near package recycling contrainers) NEW!
- 11:00–11:30 Trummi 16b (in front of Europagar)
- 11:30–12 :00 car park across from Raudtee 60
- 12:00–12:30 Hiiu stadium car park (Harku 62)
- 14:30–13:00 Ilmarise 4 (in front of Ilmarise Pood)
- 13:00–13:30 Pärnu mnt 325a (next–the Krooning petrol station)
- 13:30–14:00 Valdeku 13 (in front of Nõmme District Government)
- 14:00–14:30 Männiku tee 100 (car park at Pihlaka Rimi shop)
- 14.30–15:00 Raudalu Konsum car park (Viljandi mnt 41a)
- 15:00–15:30 Saeveski/Pedaja intersection
- 15:30–16:00 Liiva station car park (Orava tn 21b)
Lasnamäe (20 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Meeliku/Kiviriku intersection
- 10:30–11:00 Katleri stadium, by the package recycling containers
- 11:00–11:30 Linnamäe tee car park, near Linnamäe tee 4
- 11:30–12:00pm Läänemere tee 66 and 70/1 parking area
- 12:00–12:30 in front of Ümera 54
- 12:30—13:00 between Kärberi 34b and 40
- 13:00–13:30 in front of Kärberi 4
- 13:30–14:00 Raadiku tn 8/1, green space across from the building
- 14:00–14:30 in front of Punane 63 and 65 on the asphalt square (on the side of Vilisuu Street)
- 14:30–15:00 Virbi 20
- 15:00—15:30 car park by J. Koorti green space at the intersection of Liikuri and Vana-Kuuli
- 15:30–16:00 across from P. Pinna 19 (on the side of P. Pinna 12)
- 16:00–16:30 Pae 80 car park
- 16:30—17:00 Pallasti 30a car park (by Asunduse bus stop)
SCHEDULE 26–27 October
Põhja-Tallinn (26 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Niine tn 2 and Rimi car park
- 10:30–11:00 Uus-Kalamaja/Noole intersection (by the package recycling point)
- 11:00–11:30 Salme 12 (Salme Cultural Centre car park)
- 11:30–12 :00 Sitsi 5 and 7 car park
- 12:00–12:30 Tööstuse/Nõlva intersection (car park behind Karjamaa bus stop)
- 12:30—13:00 Kopli/Uus-Maleva intersection (by Sirbi Kauplus)
- 13:00–13:30 car park across from Kangru 6 (Mesipuu kindergarten)
- 13:30–14:00 corner of Pelguranna and Kolde pst (Stroomi beach car park)
- 14:00–14:30 in front of Puhangu 10 (the side by the garages)
- 14:30–15:00 in front of Sõle 43
- 15:00—15:30 Ristiku school car park (Ristiku 69)
- 15:30–16:00 Vaniku/Preesi intersection (by Preesi tn 14)
Haabersti (26 October)
- 10:00–10:30 near Astangu 62 and 64 apartment buildings NEW!
- 10:30–11:00 in front of Grossi store (Järveotsa 35b)
- 11:00–11:30 in front of Õismäe tee 99
- 11:30–12:00 Õismäe tee 46 (Kullerkupu Maxima car park)
- 12:00–12:30 car park in front of Nurmenuku Rimi (Ehitajate tee 107)
- 12:30—13:00 car park between Õismäe tee 124 and 136
- 13:00–13:30 Piibelehe/Kõrgepinge intersection (Veskimetsa residential area)
- 13:30–14:00 Pikaliiva/Keskküla intersection
- 14:00–14:30 Kakumäe Selver car park (Rannamõisa tee 6)
- 14:30–15:00 Veerise 1 (by package recycling containers)
- 15:00—15:30 Kakumäe tee/Vabaõhumuuseumi tee intersection (near Talleke ja Pullike)
- 15:30–16:00 Kakumäe tee/Soolahe tee intersection
- 16:00–16:30 Taludevahe/Hanijala intersection
Mustamäe (27 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Akadeemia Konsum car park (Akadeemia tee 35)
- 10:30 –11:00 car park next–Maxima (Vilde tee 124)
- 11:00–11:30 Tammsaare Maxima car park (Tammsaare tee 133)
- 11:30–12 :00 car park in front of Sääse Maxima (Kiili 16)
- 12:00–12:30 beside Sõpruse Maxima (parking area in front of Sõpruse pst 171)
- 12:30–13:00 Vilde 66/68 parking area behind Lehola public transport stop
- 13:00–13:30 Ehitajate tee 27 (Mustamäe Health Centre car park)
- 13:30–14:00 in front of Sütiste Maxima (Sütiste tee 28)
- 14:00–14:30 Mäepealse 2 car park
Kesklinn (27 October)
- 10:00–10:30 Jalgpalli Street car park (across from Kitseküla train stop)
- 10:30–11:00 Tallinn-Väike bus stop (on the square next–Tondi Olerex)
- 11:00–11:30 Uue-Maailma 11, in front of the garages
- 11:30–12 :00 Vaikne/Magasin intersection, by the package recycling containers
- 12:00–12:30 in front of Juhkentali 12 (Kalev Sports Hall car park)
- 12:30—13:00 near Juhkentali 35 Rimi NEW!
- 13:00–13:30 Torupilli Selver car park
- 13:30–14:00 near Jakobi 12-13 apartment building car park NEW!
- 14:00–14:30 Viadukti/Leete intersection (next–Leete 1a, by the packaging collecting point)
- 14:30–15:00 by Adamsoni 34