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Collection route for hazardous waste and reusable items

Collection route for hazardous waste and reusable items

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The spring collection rounds of 2025 will take place on two consecutive weekends: May 10–11 and May 17–18. The schedules are being updated.

For two consecutive weekends, the residents of Tallinn will have a convenient opportunity to dispose of hazardous waste produced in their households in an environmentally friendly manner, free of charge. Two vehicles will be accepting waste from residents at each stop, one for hazardous waste and the other for reusable items. Hazardous waste is forwarded to Epler & Lorenz AS for recycling and materials and thus will not end up in municipal waste or nature. Items that can be reused will be handed over to the Re-Use Centre (Uuskasutuskeskus), who will repurpose the items.

Large reusable items such as furniture and functional appliances (e.g. refrigerators, cookers, etc) will not be accepted during the collection route. Those can be taken to the re-use warehouse at the Paljassaare waste treatment plant or to Re-Use Centre (Uuskasutuskeskus) shops

Collection is organised by the Tallinn Waste Centre. For additional information call 616 4000.

The following hazardous waste items are accepted:

packaging containing and contaminated with hazardous substances; power banks and batteries, inc. lead-acid batteries; expired medicine; paint, lacquer, glue and solvent residue; oils and fats, other lubricants; absorbents, filter materials, contaminated rags and protective equipment, etc.; oil filters and antifreeze residue; infectious sharp waste (e.g. old syringes); gardening toxins and fertiliser residues, pesticides; chemical residues (acids, alkali, photographic chemicals and other household chemicals); detergents containing dangerous substances; waste containing mercury (e.g. old thermometers, fluorescent lamps and energy saving light bulbs); old electrical and electronical equipment.

The following reusable items in good condition are accepted:

books; crockery and other kitchen supplies; clothes and other home textiles; toys; footwear; hobby and sport supplies; music and movie materials (DVD, VHS, etc.); furnishing items (decorations, figurines, tablecloths, etc.); accessories (jewellery, bags, belts, glasses, etc.); smaller functional electronic devices (hair dryer, toaster, kettle, blender, microwave, etc.)

The schedules are being updated.

Last modified 07.01.2025