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Development directions of waste management

Development directions of waste management

Waste management is developed on the basis of the national waste plan and the Tallinn waste management plan. The state and city waste plan deals with the state of waste management, the organisation of waste management and how to achieve more efficient use of resources. When preparing the city's waste plan, the provisions of the national development plan are taken into account and it is part of the development plan of the local government unit.

The main development directions of the “Tallinn Waste Plan 2022-2026” adopted in 2022 are:
  • to promote waste prevention;
  • to promote and increase the separate collection and recycling of waste;
  • to improve waste management, including supervision;
  • to support the implementation of circular economy principles;
  • to increase awareness. 

Circular economy

.The main goals of promoting the circular economy for the city of Tallinn in 2022-2026 are:

  • to shift the emphasis from conventional waste stations to circular economy centres;
  • to support sustainable solutions involving reuse;
  • to increase the population's awareness of reusing things, the possibilities of repair and, through this, the reduction and prevention of waste generation and the separate collection of waste and used items.

Circular economy is an economic model and approach where economic growth is separated from the overuse of natural resources and the accompanying negative environmental effects. 

The circular economy is an alternative to the prevailing linear
“take-use-throw-away” economic model of production and consumption, which requires a large amount of relatively cheap material and input and at the same time produces a lot of waste. The circular economy is a self-reproducing system where products, components and materials are kept at their highest useful value.




The city of Tallinn, in co-operation with the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development (OECD), is preparing a road map for a circular economy in the city that provides instructions on how to transition to a more resource-saving circular economy.

Read more about circular economy:

Legislation and action plans

Legislation governing waste management

Marine litter action plan

The City of Tallinn in co-operation with the Stockholm Environment Institute’s Tallinn Centre (SEI Tallinn) prepared an action plan for the prevention and reduction of marine litter in the capital 2022-2026. The action plan and information related to it can be found here.


In Tallinn, the Circular Economy Department of the Tallinn Strategic Management Office organises waste management and promotes the circular economy. Write to us at [email protected] or contact our specialists directly.
10119 Tallinn, Kaarli pst 1
Name Job title E-mail Phone
Lüüli Junti Head of Unit [email protected] 6404634
Eliis Kuus lead specialist in waste management [email protected] 6404131
Liina Kanarbik lead specialist in the circular economy [email protected] 6164012
Katarina Papp expert in the circular economy [email protected]
Eva Liisa Vahtramaa korraldatud jäätmeveo ekspert [email protected] 6404245
Triin Ida keskonnareostuse spetsialist [email protected] 6404137
Raigo Jaska korraldatud jäätmeveo spetsialist [email protected] 6404285
Rene Ron Vest ehitus- ja lammutusjäätmete spetsialist [email protected] 6404567
Teele Joost Project Manager [email protected] 6404465
Teele Joost Project Manager 6404465
Mikk-Erik Saidla tootjavastutuse spetsialist [email protected] 6404610
Pjotr Gavrilov järelevalve spetsialist [email protected] 6404581

Last modified 17.05.2023