Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department
Address Mündi 2, 15197 Tallinn
Phone +372 645 7191
E-mail [email protected]
Registry code 75014913
Head of Department, Jaan Tarmak
Tallinn’s environmental website
The Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department makes sure there is a functional and pleasant living environment in the capital, organizing environmental and nature protection and providing public services in the utility sector.
- Work hours and reception
Work hours
MONDAY 8:15am to 6pm
TUESDAY-THURSDAY 8:15am to 5pm
FRIDAY 8:15am to 4pm
If you want to make an appointment with an official, please book a time with them by phone or e-mail.
Reception hours
General Unit (Mündi 2, 3rd floor, phone +372 645 7191)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Unit of Plans and Projects (Harju 13, 3rd floor)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Tiina Leetmaa, Head of Unit, phone +372 640 4466 (Harju 13, 3rd floor, room 314)
Kalle Maandi, design conditions of technical facilities, phone +372 640 4467 (Harju 13, 3rd floor, room 316)
Eneli Rim (Kesklinn, Nõmme, Mustamäe, Haabersti) phone +372 640 4644 (Harju 13, 4th floor, room 315), [email protected]
Irma Tammann (Pirita, Lasnamäe, Põhja-Tallinn, Kristiine), phone +372 640 4649 (Harju 13, 4th floor, room 315), [email protected]
In order to coordinate free construction location choices and construction projects and detailed plans submitted for co-operation, please submit documents to this e-mail address: [email protected].
PLEASE NOTE! Since 12 April 2016, the Tallinn Urban Planning Department, as the processor of building permit applications or construction notices, submits construction projects for approval by the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department through the building register.
Additional information [email protected], phone +372 640 4644, [email protected], phone +372 640 4649
If you want to make an appointment with an official, please book a time with them by phone or e-mail.
Permits for huge and/or heavy loads
Jefim Kalinin, phone +372 640 4064, [email protected] (Harju 13, 4th floor)
Road Condition Monitoring Division (Mündi 2, 2nd floor, phone +372 645 7827)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Marko Meriste, Kristiine, Nõmme
Anna Moistus, Mustamäe, Kesklinn
Ruslan Nasretdinov, Lasnamäe, Pirita
Natalja Jakimova, Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn
Kadi Kleberg, Kesklinn, Vanalinn, Nõmme
Roman Fadejev, Haabersti, Mustamäe, Nõmme
Magnus Lass, Kesklinn
Anton Andrianov, Lasnamäe, Pirita
Rimants Šarkovski, Põhja-Tallinn, Kristiine
Engineering Unit (Mündi 2, 2nd floor, phone +372 645 7169)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Service Unit (Mündi 2, 3rd floor, phone +372 645 7826)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Edith End - Chief Specialist in the duties of the Head of the Department
Construction and Supervision Unit (Harju 13, 4th floor, phone +372 640 4372)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Ivar Kukk (Nõmme, Mustamäe, speed bumps in Tallinn), phone +372 640 4715
Jefim Kalinin (Haabersti, Kristiine), phone +372 616 4064
Aivar Luud (Pirita, Lasnamäe), phone +372 640 4287
If you want to make an appointment with an official, please book a time with them by phone or e-mail.
Road Registry Unit (Harju 13, 5th floor, phone +372 640 4554)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Development and Finance Unit (Harju 13, 5th floor, phone +372 640 4307)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Environmental Protection and Management (Harju 13, 2nd floor, phone +372 640 4568)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Landscaping Division (Harju 13, 2nd floor, phone +372 640 4400)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
Logging permit handlers by district
Indrek Jõesaar (Nõmme, Kesklinn), phone +372 640 4264
Kristjan Tarn (Haabersti, Mustamäe and Põhja-Tallinn, Kristiine), phone +372 640 4274
Simmo Sillandi (Pirita, Lasnamäe, Kesklinn), phone +372 640 4359
Jana Liiv, logging permits, phone +372 5304 7030
If you want to make an appointment with an official, please book a time with them by phone or e-mail.
Environmental Education Division (Vabaduse väljak 19, 3rd floor, phone +372 640 4356)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm - Structure
Deputy Head of Department
Employees who directly report to the Head of Department
General Unit
Development and Finance Unit
Road Registry Unit
Construction and Supervision Unit
Road Condition Monitoring Division
Plans and Projects Unit
Environmental Protection and Management
Environmental Education Division
Engineering Unit
Service Unit
Landscaping Division
Administered institutions
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department structure
- Tasks
Among other things, the department is responsible for:
- public roads, bridges, tunnels, bicycle and pedestrian lanes, bicycle parking lots, street lighting, landscaping around roads, urban furniture
- installation and emptying of waste containers located at public transport stops and along main roads
- organising the protection of local protected areas and conducting environmental studies
- development and operation of the public water supply and sewerage, including rainwater sewerage
- development and operation of city district heating development and operation of lighting in public areas of the city
- urban landscaping and maintenance works, parks, green areas, fountains, urban forests, water bodies and wetlands
- environmental supervision and monitoring (including things related to air quality) city cemeteries
- things related to pets (including their registration and stray pets)
- things related to excavation work permits, felling and maintenance cutting permits, heavy transport permits and other permits belonging to the department's field of activity
- public toilets in the city
- maintaining the road register
- Services
Information about the services provided by the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department can be found in the service database.
- Job advertisements
See all active job advertisements in the city of Tallinn.
- Salary details
Salary details are published on the webpage on Ministry of Finance.
- Public Procurements
Public Procurements Register.
Legislations, useful information, frequently asked questions and user manuals of the public procurement register related to organising public procurements
Tallinn Procurement Procedure
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2023 (PDF)
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2022 (PDF)
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2022 (PDF)
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2021 (PDF)
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2020 (PDF)
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2019, Annex 1 (PDF)
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Procurement Plan 2019, Annex 2 (PDF)
Maintenance cutting and felling of street trees
Involvement of urban lighting experts to participate in the external project PLUS (Public Lighting Strategies for Sustainable Urban Space) of the interregional cooperation programme INTERREG IVC
Drafting of the project for the maintenance of Lindamäe Park
Drafting of drawings and description of restoration of Kalevipoja tn, Kalevipoja põik tn and Vikerlase tn (Kalevipoja - P. Pinna) in Tallinn
Drafting of drawings and description of the restoration of M. Härma tn in Tallinn
Production of information leaflets and brochures within the framework of the Friendly Island Routes project
Provision of the conductor service of the Ülemiste cable lines L162 and L163
Providing maintenance and security services to the toilet located in the Komandandi Garden
Stage one of the restoration of the “small circle” at Väike-Õismäe in Haabersti District
Modernisation of the heating and ventilation systems of social houses at Kivila tn 3a and Paljassaare tee 37
Restoration of roads and car park at Õismäe tee 1, 3 and 9 in Tallinn
Modernisation of the heating and ventilation systems of social houses at Kivila tn 3a and Paljassaare tee 37
Drafting of the scheme of the study titled “Changing the sewerage system of the Seevaldi collector watershed to separate sewerage with a complex solution for cleaning the rainwater of the Seevaldi, Mustjõe and Pelgulinna watersheds and releasing it into the sea”
Construction of an access road and car park at Vormsi tn 4 in Tallinn
Measuring, processing, PMS analysis, issuing the results of pavement condition data on the roads and streets of Tallinn
Shaping of street trees along Ōismäe road
Drafting of the project for the maintenance of Harjumäe Park’s square
Providing maintenance and security services to the toilet located in Komandandi Garden
Restoration of Pärnamäe tee (Muuga tee - city boundary).
Construction of a cultural kilometre light traffic road on the old railway embankment in the section Logi tn to Tööstuse tn
Construction of a light traffic road between Akadeemia tee and Paldiski mnt on the old railway embankment
Asphalting of kindergarten territories in Tallinn
The construction of Karjamaa Park in Tallinn
Measuring, processing, PMS analysis, issuing the results of pavement condition data on the roads and streets of Tallinn
Within the framework of the Friendly Island Routes (FIR AI2) project funded by the INTERREG IVA programme, conducting a study of the protection possibilities of the port of Aegna island and the coastal area in its vicinity and finding technical solutions, project titled “Research on Aegna Island coast protection possibilities and technical solutions”
Within the framework of the Interreg IVA project “Friendly Island Routes” (FIR AI2) “Development strategy of Harju County, Kõrgessaare municipality of Hiiu County, small ports and islands 2010-2014”
Restoration of roads in the inner quarters of Seli settlement in Tallinn
Construction of the base of the Marie Under monument and the square and rest area with a stepped water cascade surrounding the monument
Development of the concept of swimming beaches on the island of Aegna
Drafting of the Aegna island infrastructure survey
Construction of the sidewalk and car park of 7 schools in Ehte and the car park of the kindergarten at Sõle 39 in Tallinn
Reconstruction of the front road of Tammsaare tee 81 in Tallinn
Rental of two new cars
Drafting of the project for the reconstruction of the Tondiraba pedestrian tunnel on Laagna road in Tallinn
Making a mock-up of the Ülemiste traffic junction
Restoration of Koskla Street (Sõpruse pst - Endla tn) in Tallinn
Installation and maintenance of temporary outdoor toilets in the city of Tallinn
Measurement, processing, PMS analysis of road surface condition data on Tallinn's roads and streets, issuing results and entering bridge inspection data into the Estonian Road Network and publishing it on the website
Restoration of Rävala avenue (Kaubamaja tn - Kentmann tn) in Tallinn
Installation and maintenance of temporary outdoor toilets in the city of Tallinn
Drafting of a research scheme for changing the sewerage system of the Katusepapp area in Tallinn to separate sewerage
Construction of sidewalks in Tallinn, Kase tn (Pähkli tn - Urva tn), Urva tn (Kose tee - Urva tn 7) and Haljas tee (Urva tn - Sarapuu tn)
Restoration of Kauna Street in Tallinn
Drafting of a project for the construction of roads in and around Patriarch Aleksius II Square on Loopealse pst 8 in Tallinn
Covering the stainless metal plates of the seats of public transport stops with a coating material
Bronze casting of the sculptural part of the Tondipoiste monument
Construction of the Tondipoiste monument
Preparation of the project for Weizenbergi tn (Koidula tn - Poska tn) in Tallinn
Preparation of the project for the reconstruction of Rukki Street in Tallinn
Drafting of the description and drawings of the restoration of J. Kunderi Street in Tallinn
Preparation of the project for Paljassaare tee (Paljassaare cross - Kopli Street) light traffic road
Phase one of the reconstruction of the area around Kadrioru Park’s Northeast Pond (pond 2).
Preparation of the description and drawings of the restoration of Randla tn, Madala tn, Kari tn, Puhangu tn in Tallinn
Ehitajate tee (Sõpruse pst - Tammsaare tee) restoration description and drawing up in Tallinn
Drafting of the description and drawings of the restoration of Kopli Street (Põhja pst - Erika tn)
Drafting of the description and drawings of the restoration of Kopli Street (Põhja pst - Erika tn) in Tallinn
Drafting of the Toompea fire-fighting water dry pipeline project in Tallinn
Restoration of Kaera Street in Tallinn
Carrying out expert evaluation of the Põhjaväila (Jõe tn - Russalka) and Russalka intersection project in Tallinn
Sõpruse pst 184 access road and car park (Tallinn Industrial Education Center car park) reconstruction stage one in Tallinn
Carrying out preliminary archaeological research at Tallinn's Freedom Square
Viru Square pedestrian tunnel security service provision
Measuring, processing, PMS and BMS analysis, issuing the results of pavement condition data on the roads and streets of Tallinn
Purchase of an inflatable frame tent and work safety equipment
Supervision of excavation works in the area of Nõmme District
Organisation of outdoor advertising
Drafting of drawings and description of restoration in Tallinn, Viljandi mnt (Valdeku tn - city border)
Drafting of drawings and description of the restoration of Kangru Street in Tallinn
Drafting of the main project for the restoration of the Tondipoiste monument in Tallinn
Restoration of Narva mnt (Kose tee - Priisle tee) in Tallinn
Drafting of the main project of the fountain in the square in front of the Sõprus cinema in Tallinn
Reconstruction of Uus tn 37 car park
Repair of the Vesse viaduct on Peterburi tee
Ehitajate tee - Keskus tn intersection overhaul
Drafting of the project for the reconstruction of the access road of Peterburi tee 54 and 56b
Drafting of the project for the reconstruction of Pallasti tn (Majaka tn - Pallasti 1a)
Drafting of the main green area project at Tedre 2b/Kotka 14a
Drafting of the main project for the reconstruction of the stairs between Trepi tn and Vana Mustamäe tn
Provision of IT development services for the road registry programme Tiit
Drafting of drawings and description of the restoration of Tuulemaa Street in Tallinn
Drafting of drawings and description of restoration of Vilde tee (Sõpruse pst - Ehitajate tee) in Tallinn
Providing maintenance services for the Baltic Station and Liivalaia pedestrian tunnel
Viru Square pedestrian tunnel security service provision
Provision of security services for the Viru Square pedestrian tunnel
Drafting of drawings and description of restoration of Tööstuse tn (Vana Kalamaja tn – Tööstuse tn 53 in Tallinn
Drafting of the description and drawings of the restoration of Telliskivi Street (Kopli tn – Ristiku tn) in Tallinn
Provision of security services for the Viru Square pedestrian tunnel Construction of a road extension at Mustamäe tee 16 in Tallinn
Restoration of Narva mnt (Mustakivi tee - Kose tee) in Tallinn
Restoration of Narva mnt (Ussimäe tee - Pärnamäe tee) in Tallinn
Viru Square pedestrian tunnel security service provision
Preparing a risk analysis of Tallinn's water supply
Stage two of the restoration of Trepi Street in Tallinn
Measuring, processing, PMS analysis, issuing the results of pavement condition data on the roads and streets of Tallinn - Studies
Studies ordered by the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department can be found in the Tallinn Study Information System.
- Procedural Restrictions
Information about activities and decisions for which procedural restrictions are not applied is published here (§ 11 subsection 3 clauses 4, 5 and 7 of the Anti-Corruption Act). Procedural restrictions will not be applied and a notice must be published:
- if the replacement of an official is not possible as a person meeting the requirements for the replacement could not be found;
- in regards to actions or decisions with which the institution performing a public task ensures the organisation of its work, with the exception of service-related decisions;
- in a city institution if, taking into account the specificities of the local government unit, the application of the procedural restrictions would be unreasonable from the point of view of public interest.
Currently, there are no such notices.
- External Projects
The following projects have been implemented and are being implemented in the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department:
Viljandi Highway light traffic road
Phase one of the reconstruction of the exterior lighting of Tallinn's main streets
Development and deployment of road surfaces that produce solar electricity
Development of the information system for the maintenance, improvement and landscaping works of the city of Tallinn
HEAWATER - Helping small rivers in the Baltic Sea watershed by preventing the inflow of nutrients and dangerous substances
Reidi Road construction
INTHERWASTE - interregional integration of waste management into the environment in cities with European cultural heritage
Ülemiste Lake movement path (Tartu mnt section Lennujaama tee - Vana-Tartu mnt)
Creation of a prototype for a technological solution for 3D monitoring of underground facilities
Restoration of Gonsiori Street in Tallinn
Preparation of the heat economy development plan for the district heating network area of Kadriorg
Paldiski mnt light traffic road section Järvekalda Road to Tähetorni Street
Reconstruction of the Haabersti intersection in Tallinn
Preparation of the heat management development plan for the Merirahu district heating network area
Light traffic road on the railway embankment in the section of Ehitajate tee - Stroomi beach
Vana-Tartu mnt light traffic road on the section of Tartu mnt - city boundary Baltic Flows
Conducting a preliminary analysis of the creation of an information system for the maintenance, improvement and landscaping works of the city of Tallinn
Light traffic road of Paldiski highway between Järveotsa tee and Järvekalda tee
Light traffic road between Järvevana tee - Pärnu highway
Construction of stage one of Priisle tee light traffic road
Reconstruction of the Ülemiste traffic junction in Tallinn, stage two
Liquidation of residual pollution in the land area of the Ülemiste traffic junction
Reconstruction of the Ülemiste traffic junction in Tallinn
Reconstruction of the Ülemiste traffic junction in Tallinn (technical assistance)
Technical assistance for the elimination of dangerous problems at level crossings of railways and roads
Drafting of a transport plan for the city of Tallinn and the surrounding area
Stage two of the reconstruction of the exterior lighting of Tallinn's main streets
Light traffic road connecting Filtri Road with Kadrioru and Ülemiste joint terminal
Port area light traffic road section Reidi Road - Kalaranna Street
Construction of the Lasnamäe light traffic road
Restoration of Vana-Kalamaja Stree - Legislation
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department Statute
Since 2011, the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department has implemented an integrated management system that meets the international quality and environmental management system standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. On 9 and 10 November 2022, another control audit was conducted at KEKO regarding the operation of management systems and compliance with the requirements of the standard was confirmed.