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About Tallinn Kindergarten Sipsik

About Tallinn Kindergarten Sipsik

2011.10.04 Sipsik liblikaga 01.jpgTallinn Kindergarten Sipsik was opened on in 2004 and is situated in the centre of Tallinn on P. Süda street. The kindergarten got it´s name by book called Sipsik which author is Eno Raud. The artist of the book has created a logo for kindergarten. Composer Maria Wunderlich has created a song for Sipsik kindergarten. The figure of Sipsik is well known amongst children and their parents.

There are 6 groups in the kindergarten: one of them is for children up to 3 years old and 5 other groups are for children over 3 years of age. Alltogether there are 134 children in our kindergarten. Working language in kindergarten is Estonian. There are 15 teachers, including teacher of music and teacher of gymnastics. Kindergarten Sipsik helps to prepare children for school and in cooperation with parents it carries out development, up-bringing and education of children, taking into consideration specific features of each child, interests and principles of family education.

Kindergarten Sipsik's motto is: "Children's day will begin with joy and will end with satisfaction."

Kindergarten Sipsik helps children to prepare for school and in co-operation with parents it assures diverse development of the children.
Children can participate in different activities in kindergarten: art course, ceramics, dancing, English and judo.

Traditions are implemented into kindergarten work, e.g. Mihkli and Christmas fairs, kindergarten´s birthday, Estonian Independence Day etc. Besides celebrating traditional activities in kindergarten, very important are national and international health days, e.g. Heart Week, Bread and Milk Week etc. Since December 2005 kindergarten Sipsik belongs to network of kindergartens aiming to educate children on health. Principle activities: developing a healthy environment; developing a healthy way of living; developing and strengthening cooperation between children and personnel.

Tallinn Kindergarten Sipsik has won several awards, e.g. “Best Health Fostering Kindergarten in Tallinn 2008, 2009” and “Best Innovative Deed 2010” for creating opportunities for skiing in our kindergarten.

More information about kindergarten Sipsik is available at our Estonian website.

There are a lot of different activities in kindergarten where the helping-hand of volunteer is needed. For example, the following events are planned:

  • Celebrating Estonian holidays such as different Christmas events and Christmas Fair but also national holidays like Mardipäev, Kadripäev, Vastlapäev etc.
  • Visits: visiting fire brigade, health museum, Castle School of Kadriorg etc.
  • Trips to nature: Nature School of Sagadi, jogging tracks of Viimsi etc.
  • The groups with oldest children will go skiing and swimming.

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Last modified 21.02.2024