Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 – meet the speaker: Mark-Emil Talivere, City of Tallinn
Mark-Emil Talivere, innovation expert for the City of Tallinn, on why he’s taking part in this year’s Cities Climate Action Summit, how cities can get ahead, and how his city is showing the way.
SmartCitiesWorld: What is the single most important action cities can take to address the climate crisis?
Mark-Emil Talivere: Cities can make a real impact on the climate crisis by getting creative with how we move around. Embracing new tech like electric vehicles, smart traffic management, and even futuristic approaches like self-driving cars and drones can cut down on emissions and make our streets less polluted.
Smart city planning, where we mix things up a bit and make it easier to walk or bike, adds a nice touch. Teaming up with tech companies for shared rides and other nifty ideas keeps us ahead of the game. It’s all about thinking outside the box and making our cities greener and more liveable.
SmartCitiesWorld: Why are you part of the Cities Climate Action Summit on 26-27 June? What are you personally most excited to learn or discuss?
Mark-Emil Talivere: I would like to learn from other cities and regions on how to the tackle climate crisis, collaborate and exchange thoughts. I am most excited to speak to innovators and help them test prototype-level solutions in urban areas, help them get valuable feedback from cities, and scale.
SmartCitiesWorld: Could you share a specific example of a successful climate initiative in your city or region that could inspire others?
Mark-Emil Talivere: Tallinn birthed many new initiatives and programmes as the European Green Capital in 2023 – participatory budgeting, citizen’s assembly, co-planning app, and Test in Tallinn to name a few. These projects may not have a visible effect in the immediate future, but will certainly have a positive impact on life in Tallinn for decades to come. These flagship initiatives focus on biodiversity, climate change, and green innovation, as well as introducing an environmentally-friendly mindset in the community.
The full agenda for Cities Climate Action Summit 2024 will be released soon, but in the meantime, you can find out more by clicking the button below for a taste of what’s to come and to register your place.
Source: SmartCities World