Delegation from Karaganda, Kazakhstan visits Tallinn
On Tuesday, January 14, a delegation from Karaganda city and region in Kazakhstan, led by Karaganda Mayor Meiram Kozhukov, visited Tallinn. The delegation was welcomed at the Tallinn City Office by Deputy Mayor Viljar Jaamu.
The delegation of Kazakhstan’s fifth-largest city also included the Deputy Mayor of Karaganda, the Chief of Staff of the regional governor's office, digitalization leaders from the regional administration, and the Deputy Chief of the regional police.
The visitors met with Tallinn’s Digital Director Martin Männil, Innovation Expert Mark-Emil Talivere, and Mihhail Jevdokimov, Head of the Engagement Department at the Urban Environment and Public Works Department. They also visited Tallinn 21st School.
Additionally, the delegation has meetings scheduled with the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board and the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Tallinn.