Dispose of your old Christmas tree sustainably
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.
"I encourage Tallinn residents to bring their Christmas trees to a nearby collection point after the holidays. This way, trees won’t clutter the cityscape but will instead be reused for heat energy production," said Deputy Mayor Margot Roose. "Please remember that trees must be completely free of decorations, plastic, and other materials, as only clean trees can be processed into wood chips."
The collection schedule is as follows:
- Pirita: Until January 19
- Kesklinn: January 3–8
- Mustamäe: January 3–26
- Kristiine: January 3–27
- Haabersti: January 3–30
- Nõmme: Until January 19
- Põhja-Tallinn: Until January 30
- Lasnamäe: January 2–February 3
Christmas trees are also accepted at all Tallinn waste stations. It’s recommended to cut and bundle the tree before disposal. The fee for dropping off one cubic meter of tree waste at a waste station is €6.1. If transportation is not available, residents can order tree pickup from their local waste management provider and leave the tree next to the designated waste container at the agreed time.
Reusable artificial trees and Christmas decorations that are no longer needed can be taken to reuse rooms or Uuskasutuskeskus (Reuse Center). Non-usable artificial trees (plastic waste) and Christmas lights (electronic waste) must be taken to a waste station. Broken decorations can be disposed of in general waste containers.
All information (in Estonian language) is available on the website: tallinn.ee/keskkond (Circular Economy and Waste).
The locations of collection points can be also found on the website tallinn.ee/joulukuused (in Estonian language).
Christmas tee collection points for 2025
City Centre (Kesklinn) – January 3–8, 2025:
- Koidu 80 (Uus Maailm)
- Next to Roopa 23 (Kassisaba)
- Jalgpalli/Asula parking lot (Kitseküla and Uus Maailm)
- Imanta parking lot near Pleekmägi, Liivalaia 40 (Keldrimäe and Juhkentali)
- Quiet Park, next to Magasini recycling point (Veerenni)
- Roheline Aas parking lot (Kadriorg)
- Poldri/Madalmaa intersection (Sadama)
Pirita – January 2–19, 2025:
- Võsa tee 26 parking lot
- Haljas tee/Pähkli tee corner
- Haaviku tee 16/Kesktee 38 parking lot
- Kõlviku tee/Lepiku tee corner
- Vabaõhukooli tee/Teelehe tee corner
- Lodjapuu tee/Oblika tee end
- Aianduse tee/Tolmuka tee
- Udeselja/Sirptiiva corner
- Puhkekodu tee/Kose tee corner
- Kase tn 68
Nõmme – December 30–January 19, 2025:
- Behind Nõmme Market parking lot, near waste containers
- Pihlaka 12, next to Nõmme Social House recycling containers
- Near waste shed at Vabaduse pst 207
- Across from Trummi tn 38a, near recycling containers
- Near recycling containers at Valdeku tn 158
- At the edge of the basketball court, Uueristi tn 10
- Across from recycling containers at Ilmarise tn 42
- Near recycling containers at Viisi tn 29
Lasnamäe – January 2–February 3, 2025:
- Green area between Uuslinna tn 9 and the stadium (Võidujooksu 8)
- Corner of Majaka tn and Lasnamäe tn (Majaka green area)
- Green area in front of Pae 48a
- Green area near Võru 16
- Behind Vikerlase 13 (Kahu tn)
- Green area between Katleri district Grossi Toidukaubad and school stadium
- Green area in front of Läänemere tee 8
- Green area near Läänemere tee 19
- Green area along Kivila tn, opposite Kivila 34
- Green area in front of Mustakivi Konsum, Mahtra 9
- Green area between Raadiku tn 4 and 8
- Green area between Ümera Keskus and Grossi Toidukaubad
- Green area in front of Kalevipoja 10 (from Vikerlase side)
- Green area near J. Smuuli tee 8, Maxima XX (Smuuli side)
- Ussimäe tee 1D parking lot (Ussimäe side)
Mustamäe – January 3–26, 2025:
- Green area next to the parking lot at Akadeemia tee 30a, opposite Stell office
- Green area along the stadium parking lot at Vilde 120
- In front of Kiili tn 16, next to Sääse Center Maxima parking lot
- Green area between Mustamäe tee 187 (Lehola Kindergarten) and Vilde tee 79
- Green area between Vilde tee 92 and 96
- Green area behind Tammsaare tee 99, next to Grossi store
- Green area behind Tammsaare tee 74, next to Parditiigi Park
- Green area between Sütiste tee 24 and 28 (Liivaku Shopping Center)
- Next to recycling containers at Sütiste tee 39
- Next to recycling containers behind Vilde tee 101 (Szolnoki Shopping Center)
- Green area in the yard of Retke tee 26 and 28
- Green area at Pöörise tn 4
- Green area in front of Mustamäe tee 84
- Lehtri street
- Near the textile collection container on Mäepealse street
Põhja-Tallinn – December 27–January 30, 2025:
- Kopli 69C, near Kopli Cemetery Park’s Kopli-side gate
- Behind Tööstuse 58, on Hundipea street area
- Near Sõle Selver
- Parking area next to Salme 12 (Salme/Kalevi street corner)
- Kalaranna T9
- Backyard parking lot at Niine 2
Kristiine – January 3–27, 2025:
- Kuldnoka 12a
- Backyard of Tedre 77a
- Backyard of Tedre 81a
- Behind Kirsi 8a (Kirsi 6 building)
- Sõstra 1a
- Endla 49b
- Inner yard of Vindi 18b
- Kotka 24a
- Seebi 30a
- Next to Alajaama 1
- Next to Energia 2b (near Energia 4 and 6)
- Next to Paldiski mnt 65b (near Endla 94)
- Nõmme tee 52 (next to Räägu Park recycling containers)
- Tedre 58
- Vesipapi 11
Haabersti – January 3–30, 2025:
- Järveotsa tee 15a (behind Järveotsa tee 1b)
- Õismäe tee 110a (corner of the parking lot)
- Õismäe tee 22a (at the edge of the playground)
- Next to the information board on Piibelehe street
- Opposite Printsu tee 5, at the Pikaliiva and Printsu tee intersection
- Behind Astangu 68, Astangu street
- First parking lot from the city side at Räime tn 52 (Kakumäe Beach)