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Free disposal of hazardous waste and reusable items in May

Free disposal of hazardous waste and reusable items in May

This May, Tallinn hosts its spring collection rounds for hazardous waste and reusable items during two weekends—May 11-12 and May 18-19.

During these rounds, residents of Tallinn can conveniently and sustainably dispose of household hazardous waste and reusable items free of charge. At designated stops in each district, two collection vehicles will be available according to the schedule—one for hazardous waste and another for reusable items. The collection will take place in Pirita and Kristiine on May 11, in Nõmme and Lasnamäe on May 12, in Mustamäe and Kesklinn on May 18, and in Haabersti and Põhja-Tallinn on May 19. Detailed schedules for the collection trucks can be found on Tallinn's official website.

Accepted hazardous waste includes: contaminated packaging containing hazardous substances; batteries and accumulators, including lead batteries; expired medications; paints, varnishes, adhesives, and solvents; oils and fats, various lubricants; absorbents, filter materials, contaminated rags, and protective clothing, among others; oil filters and antifreeze residues; infectious sharp and puncture waste (e.g., old syringes, etc.); horticultural poisons and fertilizer residues, pesticides; chemical residues (acids, alkalis, photographic chemicals, and other household chemicals); laundry detergents containing hazardous substances; waste containing mercury (e.g., old thermometers, fluorescent lamps, and energy-saving bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps); old electrical and electronic devices, including e-cigarettes.

Reusable items accepted include clean and intact: books; dishes and other kitchenware; clothes and other home textiles; toys; footwear; hobby equipment, recreational gear and sports equipment; bicycles; interior decor items (decorations, figurines, tablecloths, etc.); accessories (jewelry, bags, belts, glasses, etc.); smaller functional electronic devices (e.g., hairdryers, toasters, electric kettles, mixers, microwave ovens, etc.).

The collection rounds are organized by Tallinn Waste Centre. Hazardous waste will be forwarded to Epler & Lorenz AS for recycling and reintroduction into the material cycle, ensuring it does not end up in household waste or the environment. Reusable items will be handed over to the MTÜ Uuskasutuskeskus, which will reintroduce them into circulation.

Larger reusable items such as furniture and working household appliances (e.g., refrigerators, stoves) are not accepted during these rounds. These can be taken to the reuse rooms at Paljassaare and Pääsküla waste stations or to the Uuskasutuskeskus stores.