Residents can once again dispose of large waste for free next week
Next week, from March 18 to 24, residents of Tallinn will once again have the opportunity to dispose of large waste at waste treatment plants for free.
Deputy Mayor Joosep Vimm noted that for the last two years, Tallinn has organized a quarterly large waste collection campaign, which has been well-received by the city's residents. "Such campaigns offer residents the opportunity to conveniently and freely get rid of large and unusable items. This way, we use waste purposefully and reduce littering. Last year, the campaign resulted in nearly 6,600 cubic meters of large waste being brought to waste treatment plants," Vimm explained, but he also emphasized that the collection rounds are intended for unusable large waste. "Clean and intact furniture items can be given away for free at Tallinn's waste treatment plants all year round to give them a new life."
Although large waste is covered by organized waste collection and can be picked up by one's waste hauler, residents of Tallinn registered in the population register can dispose of large waste for free at all waste treatment plants in the city next week.
During the campaign week, each resident can dispose of up to 3 cubic meters of large waste for free, which should fit into the trailer of a passenger car. An ID card or driver's license is required for identification. The campaign conditions do not apply to legal entities (including housing associations).
Waste treatment plants are located in Pääsküla (Raba Street 40), Rahumäe (Rahumäe tee 5a), Pärnamäe (Ristaia tee 8), and Paljassaare (Paljassaare põik 5). Opening hours for waste treatment plants and information on disposing of all other types of waste can be found on the Waste Center of Tallinn website.
Large waste includes unusable furniture items and their parts (e.g., sofa, table, shelf), floor coverings, mattresses, curtains and curtain rods, large flower pots, coat racks, mirrors, sports equipment, bicycles, broken skis and sleds, and baby strollers.
Large waste does not include construction and renovation waste (e.g., toilet bowl, sink, bathtub, windows, doors, wallpaper, paint rollers), hazardous waste (e.g., empty paint cans, asbestos), problem products (e.g., scrap vehicle parts, tires), scrap metal, electrical and electronic equipment (e.g., washing machine, TV, fridge, stove), or other waste covered by producer responsibility.
More information on the large waste campaign can be found HERE.