Voting results of the participatory budget 2020/2021
800,000 euros was allocated for the first Tallinn participatory budget, which was divided as follows:
Haabersti 96 120 € | Mustamäe 104 860 € |
Kesklinn 103 380 € | Nõmme 92 240 € |
Kristiine 89 840 € | Pirita 83 480 € |
Lasnamäe 128 060 € | Põhja-Tallinn 102 020 € |
5.1% of citizens with the right to vote participated in the voting of the participatory budget, i.e. 19,570 citizens in total. The majority – 18,543 citizens – voted electronically and 1027 citizens voted on paper.
The results of the public voting of the participatory budget were published on 3 February 2021:
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Haabersti ‘Calisthenics park of the Õismäe bog health trail’, 445 votes
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Kesklinn ‘Drinking fountains at the sides of health trails’ , 557 votes; the idea with the second most votes will also be carried out 'Eliisabet’s dream: a playground for children aged 10+’
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Kristiine ‘Japanese style miniature forest in Kristiine’ , 436 votes; the idea with the second most votes (435) will also be carried out ‘Low level adventure trail with illuminated paths in Löwenruh Park’
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Lasnamäe ‘Renovation of the Mustakivi underpass’ , 1411 votes
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Mustamäe ‘Ballgames arena of Tallinn Secondary School No. 32’ , 909 votes
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Nõmme ‘Reconstruction of the cover of the health trails of Pääsküla and Harku’, 765 votes
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Pirita ‘Building a pumptrack in Pirita’ , 544 votes
- The idea with the most votes in the city district of Põhja-Tallinn ‘Cat August Promenade on Kopli Street’, 755 votes.
For more detailed voting results of all city districts look HERE!
You can check the documents of the city government’s order here: Confirming the voting results of Tallinn participatory budget 2021 (For a better user experience, we advise that you open the link in Google Chrome).
The public voting of Tallinn participatory budget lasted from 18 January 2021 to 31 January 2021.
People who were at least 14 years old and whose place of residence was Tallinn were able to participate in the voting. It was possible to vote electronically and on paper in all city district governments and in temporary voting stations created by city districts. Each participant could vote for two ideas of their choosing.
5.1% of citizens with the right to vote participated in the voting of the participatory budget, i.e. 19,570 citizens in total. The majority – 18,543 citizens – voted electronically and 1027 citizens voted on paper.
Total number of voters |
Number of residents with the right to vote* |
Percentage of voters |
Haabersti |
1814 |
40 070 |
4,5 % |
City Centre |
2531 |
54 012 |
4,7 % |
Kristiine |
1918 |
28 188 |
6,8 % |
Lasnamäe |
4856 |
101 341 |
4,8 % |
Mustamäe |
2153 |
57 826 |
3,7 % |
Nõmme |
2291 |
32 185 |
7,1 % |
Pirita |
1196 |
15 584 |
7,7 % |
Põhja-Tallinn |
2811 |
51 811 |
5,4 % |
Kokku |
19 570 |
381 017 |
5,1 % |
*Residents with the right to vote are citizens whose place of residence was registered in Tallinn as of 1 January 2021.
Select a city district in order to become familiar with the ideas up for voting:
Haabersti Kesklinn Kristiine Lasnamäe Mustamäe Nõmme Pirita Põhja-Tallinn
See also:
The list of ideas that did not make it to the voting round for different reasons can be found here.
For a better user experience, we advise that you open the link in Google Chrome.