Population Register
Population Registry is a database, which contains the basic personal data on all citizens of Estonia and aliens who have a residence permit. This is one of the basic registries, it is created to supply the national and local authorities with reliable information. Besides, the data of this registry are used in statistics, research work, etc.
All Tallinn city district administrations, Tallinn Vital Statistics Department and Tallinn City Office are authorised to process the Population Registry, they have the right to enter and amend – within their competence – the data in the registry. At present there are 60 officials in Tallinn who have the right to amend the data in the registry, and besides, there are 400 officials who use the relevant on-line data in their routine work. A citizen may apply for entering or amending his or her data in any appropriate municipal structural unit. Proceedings in Tallinn may be performed electronically, using one's digital signature.