Mai (May) Park
Mai Park is located at 1 Mai Street. Several walking paths and a children’s playground have been constructed in the park. It is surrounded by the...
Tallinn Town Hall tours
Ticket i nformatoin . Group visits must be booked in advance: [email protected]
Name certificate ceremony for infants at Tallinn Town Hall
There is a long-standing tradition in Tallinn to hold name certificate ceremonies for newborns. The infant and their family receive a name certificate...
Tallinn Town Hall
Raekoja plats 1 10146 Tallinn Estonia Telephone (+372) 6 457 900 Website: Tallinn Town Hall
Tallinn Urban Environment Department and Public Works Department Project coordinator Tiia Pedusaar phone +3725097744 email [email protected]...
Rental of city-owned representative buildings
City-owned representative buildings can be rented for receptions , seminars and meetings. The minimum rental time for the Roosikrants Residence , Jaan...
Tallinn Rental Committee
The Tallinn Rental Committee settles disputes arising from tenancy agreements. The rental committee settles disputes that have arisen from tenancy in...