Absence of tax arrears certificate
Dear applicant for a certificate of no tax debt.
We would like to draw your attention to changes in the issuance and content of certificates!
According to the administrative agreement between the Tallinn Enterprise Board and the Tax and Customs Board (MTA), they are both the administrators for sales tax and advertising tax in local taxes. Consequently, the MTA issues information on tax arrears by providing the applicant with the corresponding information in the certificate of no tax debt or the certificate of tax debt.
Certificates for other local taxes in Tallinn are issued by the Tallinn Transport Board.
Where to start
As of 21 December 2015, procurers have the possibility to make X-Road enquiries to the Tallinn Road and Street Closure Tax Database managed by the Tallinn Transport Board regarding candidates and tenderers according to § 38 (1) 4) of the Public Procurement Act.
Until now, procurers could only request information from the Tax and Customs Board on national taxes, social security payments and the payment of Tallinn advertising and sales tax. From now on, all local taxes in Tallinn are covered by the database. This means that companies registered in Tallinn will no longer need to provide certificates of no tax debts, as the procuring entity will be able to request the relevant information through the Public Procurement Register.
Data are available as of 30 November 2015. The procuring entity can make a query for a specific procurement in the Information Exchange worksheet by selecting Queries to external registers.
Public enquiries about the absence of tax debt can be made by identification or registration code at: https://opinfo.tallinn.ee/maksuvolglaste_otsing?m=117 .