Changing the residence address in the Population Register
The electronic communication should be used instead of direct contact in population register proceedings.
The registration of a new residential address in the population register based on the notice of residence submitted by the person.
A person submits a notice of residence upon moving to a new place or changing the place of residence inside Estonia, upon moving abroad or moving back from abroad within 14 days.
A family and people who have moved to one address may submit one joint notice of residence.
The notice of residence can be submitted to the city district of the place of residence (please choose the suitable application type below):
- by visiting the office;
- by sending it via mail and adding a copy of the page with personal details from the personal identification document;
- by sending a digitally signed application via e-mail;
- or by using the population register’s e-service in the information gateway .
Upon leaving Estonia, a person can submit his/her data regarding a place of residence abroad to a town or rural municipality government located in Estonia via a notice of residence. If a person already lives abroad, he/she can submit an application for changing his/her permanent place of residence to the honorary consul or foreign mission of Estonia or, if there is none, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which in turn shall forward the respective data to be entered into the population register.
Data to be submitted A notice of residence shall include the address details of one place of residence. People living together may submit a joint notice of residence, the notice should definitely also include the details of under-aged children. A signature on the notice of residence shall confirm the validity of the details of place of residence to be entered into the population register. A place of residence in the notice of residence shall be an address of a room which must be a residential building or apartment (residential space) used for permanent residence, except: a person applies entering such an address of building that he/she owns or which is being built and owned by him/her as the place of residence for him/her and people living with him/her into the population register or a person proves that a room, which is not a residential space, is used as a residence. If you wish, you may submit the details of your means of communication in addition to the notice of residence, such as e-mail address, mail box number, phone number, number of another means of communication or an address of another room in case you are living for an extended period of time or every once in a while in another place or if your place of residence listing only includes a town, rural municipality, city district or rural municipality district.
Room owner If the person does not own the room listed in the notice of residence, a copy of a document evidencing the right to use the room must be added to the notice of residence (for instance, rental agreement) or the room owner’s permission (signature on the notice of residence or a consent as a separate document) in order to enter the details of this place of residence into the population register. In order to enter the address of such a room into the population register that belongs to common ownership, the applicant shall include the consent of all co-owners or their representatives to submit the notice of residence, except in case, the usage agreement between the room owners for using the common ownership does not state otherwise. In this case, a document proving the agreement between the co-owners shall be added to the notice of residence.
Consent of another parent who has custody The written consent of another parent with custody is required to register a place of residence for an under-aged child. The consent must also be submitted if the place of residence of an under-aged child is submitted from Estonia to abroad or other way round. The signed consent must be marked on the notice of residence or added to the notice of residence.
Where to start
Find the Population Register services from the Before you start to fill out and submit the notice of residence, read through the Terms and conditions of use of the service.
Personal identification
Your identity will be identified when you log in to the Portal.
Application reception confirmation
You can follow the progress of the procedure on the portal.
Your address in the Population Register has been changed.
The e-population register will send notifications to the user in the population register or to the e-mail address provided in the proceedings regarding notifications and actions concerning the submitted application.
When the result is unsatisfactory
To achieve the desired result study the portal Terms and conditions of use.
The technical support for the e-population register is available on business days between 8.15 a.m. and 5 p.m. by phone at 612 4444 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Where to start
Fill in the form ”Notice of Residence” as instructed.
After you have completed the form “Notice of Residence”, sign it digitally.
Note! The notice of residence should be digitally signed by all adults marked in the notice of residence (both those presented as well as the owner(s) of the premises).
If you append any documents, such as a tenancy agreement, consent of owners, then scan these into a file and sign the file digitally. Choose grayscale and resolution up to 300 for the scanned image.
What to do with the form
Send the digitally signed notice of residence with additional materials to [email protected]
Application reception confirmation
Your address in the Popuation Register has been changed.
When the result is unsatisfactory
To achieve the desired result follow our instructions.
Where to start
1. Fill out the Notice of place of residence according to the guide.
Personal identification
Have an identity document with you.
What to do with the form
Come and give the notice of residence to our official or a customer service employee. You can find the address of the service provider closest and most convenient for you hereinbefore.
Your address in the Population Register has been changed.
When the result is unsatisfactory
To achieve the desired result follow our instructions.
Haabersti District Administration
Reception hours
Kristiine District Administration
Reception hours
Lasnamäe District Administration
Reception hours
Mustamäe District Administration
Reception hours
Nõmme District Administration
Reception hours
Pirita District Administration
Reception hours
Northern Tallinn Administration
Reception hours
City Centre Administration
Reception hours
Tallinn City Office
Reception hours
Reception hours
Where to start
1. Fill out the form Notice of place of residence according to the guide.
Personal identification
Add a copy of the page with identity information of an identity document to the notice of residence.
What to do with the form
Send the notice of residence with necessary additional materials to the nearest service provider.
Application reception confirmation
The Population Register Act prescribes that only registry entry denials should be notified. To ensure a better communication we ask the notice of residence, sent by mail, to include a contact number or an e-mail address. You have reason to worry if within 10 workdays your address has not been changed in the Population Register. Internet users can check this from the State Portal.
Your address in the Population Register has been changed.
When the result is unsatisfactory
To achieve the desired result follow our instructions.
Haabersti District Administration
Reception hours
Kristiine District Administration
Reception hours
Lasnamäe District Administration
Reception hours
Mustamäe District Administration
Reception hours
Nõmme District Administration
Reception hours
Pirita District Administration
Reception hours
Northern Tallinn Administration
Reception hours
City Centre Administration
Reception hours
Tallinn City Office