Construction permit and construction notice
In order to build, rebuild or demolish a building (facility or property), it is usually necessary to apply for a building permit or submit a building notice.
Whether and what kind of a document is needed is specified in Appendix 1 of the Building Code. See additional table.
We kindly ask you to submit building permit applications and building notifications electronically via the state register of construction works. You can find information on using the state register of construction works, from their website There you can also find the customer support contacts.
In case of exceptional situations, if submitting via the state register of construction works is not possible, the Building Code also allows to submit the documents in another way. In case of exceptional situations, please submit the entire documentation on a digital medium (CD, memory stick) and add an explanation why submitting to the state register of construction works is not possible in this case.
Where to start
Submit an application for a building permit or a building notice through the building register.
If it is not possible to use the building register, submit the documents on a digital medium (CD, USB flash drive) and add the reason the building register cannot be used. Application forms (in DOC format) can be found on the Riigi Teataja webpage.
The Tallinn Urban Planning Department involves the owner of the real estate, border neighbours and authorities and companies whose rights or interests may be affected by the building or construction in the building permit application and building notice process.
If the involved parties do not submit an opinion within ten days or ask for an extension of the deadline, the approval or opinion is deemed to have been given by default. Therefore, the applicant themselves does not need to ask for approvals before submitting the application.
In the interests of a smoother procedure
In certain cases (e.g. when preparing a construction project), it is necessary to cooperate with the necessary authorities (e.g. the Estonian Rescue Board).
To make the procedure easier, add a list of network owners who need to be included in the construction project procedure as a separate file to the construction project documents. Name this file ‘Network owners who need to be involved’.
Companies that must be included in the list of network owners:
· Companies that issue technical conditions (e.g. AS Telia, AS Elektrilevi and AS Tallinna Vesi)
· Companies in the protection zones of whose technical facilities construction works are planned
A state fee must be paid for the service. See account numbers and more detailed instructions.
The applicant will be notified of the issuance or denial of the building permit.
The building permit gives the right to build a building that corresponds to the construction project on which the building permit was issued. The building permit is valid for five years. Once construction has started, the building permit is valid for seven years.
With the building notice, the local government is notified of the intention to start construction. If the municipality does not inform the submitter of the building notice within 10 days after the submission of the notice of the need to check the submitted data, construction may begin.
On the basis of a building notice, a building may be constructed within two years from the submission of the building notice or the submission of additional requirements or the approval of the construction project.
Where to start
If it is not possible to use the building register, submit the documents on a digital medium (CD, USB flash drive) and add the reason the building register cannot be used. Application forms (in DOC format) can be found on the Riigi Teataja webpage.
The Tallinn Urban Planning Department involves the owner of the real estate, border neighbours and authorities and companies whose rights or interests may be affected by the building or construction in the building permit application and building notice process.
If the involved parties do not submit an opinion within ten days or ask for an extension of the deadline, the approval or opinion is deemed to have been given by default. Therefore, the applicant themselves does not need to ask for approvals before submitting the application.
In the interests of a smoother procedure
In certain cases (e.g. when preparing a construction project), it is necessary to cooperate with the necessary authorities (e.g. the Estonian Rescue Board).
To make the procedure easier, add a list of network owners who need to be included in the construction project procedure as a separate file to the construction project documents. Name this file ‘Network owners who need to be involved’.
Companies that must be included in the list of network owners:
· Companies that issue technical conditions (e.g. AS Telia, AS Elektrilevi and AS Tallinna Vesi)
· Companies in the protection zones of whose technical facilities construction works are planned
A state fee must be paid for the service. See account numbers and more detailed instructions.
The applicant will be notified of the issuance or denial of the building permit.
The building permit gives the right to build a building that corresponds to the construction project on which the building permit was issued. The building permit is valid for five years. Once construction has started, the building permit is valid for seven years.
With the building notice, the local government is notified of the intention to start construction. If the municipality does not inform the submitter of the building notice within 10 days after the submission of the notice of the need to check the submitted data, construction may begin.
On the basis of a building notice, a building may be constructed within two years from the submission of the building notice or the submission of additional requirements or the approval of the construction project.
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Kristiine, Haabersti
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Põhja-Tallinn, osa Mustamäest
City Planning Department
Ehitusosakonna juhataja
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide juhtivspetaislist
Teeninduspiirkond: Kesklinn, osa Mustamäest
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: osa Kesklinnast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Kristiine, osa Kesklinna
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe ja Pirita
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Mustamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Ehituslubade talituse juhataja
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Haabersti
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Pirita, Haabersti, Mustamäe, Kristiine
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, Põhja-Tallinn, Nõmme, Kesklinn
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Kristiine, Haabersti
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Põhja-Tallinn, osa Mustamäest
City Planning Department
Ehitusosakonna juhataja
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide juhtivspetaislist
Teeninduspiirkond: Kesklinn, osa Mustamäest
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: osa Kesklinnast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Kristiine, osa Kesklinna
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe ja Pirita
City Planning Department
Ehitusprojektide peaspetsialist
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Mustamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Ehituslubade talituse juhataja
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Haabersti
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Pirita, Haabersti, Mustamäe, Kristiine
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, Põhja-Tallinn, Nõmme, Kesklinn