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HIV/AIDS, treatment of substance abuse and counselling

HIV/AIDS, treatment of substance abuse and counselling

Here you will find the counselling and rehabilitation services and therapy options for drug users and their loved ones.

Counselling services for HIV-positive people whose place of residence in the Population Registry is Tallinn in order to achieve treatment compliance.

The service offers social and peer counselling to HIV-positive people and the aim of it is to try to encourage HIV-positive people to start antiretroviral therapy at the right time. The service is provided as individual counselling at 10:00-15:00 on Mondays and Thursdays (location: Paldiski mnt 36a, Tallinn), phone counselling every day during 11:00-16:00 at +372 50 68 156 and +372 646 4012 and 24/7 via e-mail [email protected]. The service is provided by the Estonian Association of Positive Health.

Rehabilitation services for drug addicts on probation whose place of residence in the Population Registry is Tallinn.

The aim of the service is to offer social and psychological counselling to those participating in the rehabilitation programme. If the client needs specific treatment, they will be directed to the substitution treatment programme. The duration of the rehabilitation depends on the person. Average length is 6-9 months but it can be longer if needed. Individual counselling is provided by the AIDS Information and Support Centre 12:00-16:00 on weekdays at Paldiski mnt 36a, Tallinn.

Group work based on creative therapy for drug addicts and their loved ones whose place of residence in the Population Registry is Tallinn. The aim of the service is to prevent the relapse of drug addicts through creative therapy activities, motivate drug addicts to recover from their addiction, increase their confidence for social coping, support them in mending close relationships that have been affected by addiction and the creation of functional relations. NGO Convictus Estonia provides the service at Lastekodu tn 6, Tallinn.

Psychological group therapy and creative workshops to improve the life quality of children from the impacted families.. The service is provided by NGO Estonian Network of People Living with HIV at Rävala pst 8-1014, Tallinn. Counselling and rehabilitation services for HIV-positive men who are recovering from alcohol and/or drug addiction whose place of residence in the Population Registry is Tallinn.The aim of the service is the resocialisation of people recovering from alcohol and drug addiction during a long-term rehabilitation period (9 months) by changing their environment, social circles and lifestyle. NGO Salvation Army Estonia’s Rehabilitation Centre Hope House at Laevastiku 1a, Tallinn provides this service.

Sex education seminars/group work for residents of units at the Tallinn Social Work Centre and Salvation Army Estonia’s Rehabilitation Centre Hope House whose place of residence in the Population Registry is Tallinn. The aim of the service is to limit the risk-taking sexual behaviour of the target group, prevent HIV/AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases. The Estonian Association of Positive Health offers this service at the following addresses: Männiku tee 92, Tuulemaa 6, Sõpruse pst 5, Laevastiku 1A, Tallinn.

Rehabilitation services for drug and alcohol addicts, the homeless as well as former convicts residing in Tallinn who wish to break free from their addiction and return to society.The aim of the nine-month long rehabilitation programme is to guide participants to become more independent in everyday and social life, break free from their dependency through counselling, courses, spirituality, work experience, self-analysis and cooperation with their peers. NGO Living Israel Toetav Abi at Kura tn 1, Tallinn offers the service 24/7.