Home nurse
Patients who do not require active treatment or hospitalization receive home nursing services provided by specially trained nurses, known as home nurses.
The goal of the home nursing service is to provide healthcare services to patients whose medical condition does not necessitate a hospital stay, enabling them to maintain and improve their quality of life in their home environment. To refer a patient for home nursing services, the patient’s family doctor or treating specialist issues a referral directly to the service provider.
Home nursing services include the following health-preserving and disease-preventing activities:
- Documentation of the nursing history;
- Nursing consultation;
- Symptomatic care for cancer patients;
- Performance of nursing procedures (including care-related procedures associated with nursing tasks);
- Administration of medical treatments;
- Collection of material for laboratory tests and conducting laboratory investigations;
- Immunization.
The home environment must meet basic hygiene requirements to facilitate the provision of nursing services.
To access the service, an assessment of home nursing care needs is required, provided by the family doctor or specialist, and a home nursing care plan is prepared for the patient.
All medical procedures and nursing activities are carried out by the nurse based on the doctor’s decision and referral. The frequency of home visits and the duration of nursing services depend on the patient’s health condition.
This service is funded by the City of Tallinn for patients who are registered in the Tallinn city population registry.
Where to start
To refer a patient to home nursing services, the patient's family doctor or treating specialist issues a referral directly to the service provider.
Achieving the patient's optimal health condition and improving their quality of life.
OÜ TNP Konsultatsioonid
OÜ TNP Konsultatsioonid
Social Welfare and Health Care Department
- Iseseisvalt osutada lubatud ambulatoorsete õendusabiteenuste loetelu ja nende hulka kuuluvad tegevused ning õendusabiteenuste osutamise tingimused (Sotsiaalministri määrus 13.08.2010 nr 55)
- Nõuded ambulatoorse õendusabi iseseisvalt osutamiseks vajalikele ruumidele, sisseseadele, aparatuurile, töövahenditele ja ravimitele (Sotsiaalministri määrus 13.08.2010 nr 56)