Permit for fireworks
Reception and processing of applications for organising the execution of fireworks with class F3 and F4 pyrotechnical materials and issuance of permits.
Where to start
Tutvu lõhkematerjaliseadusega ja ilutulestiku korraldamise korraga.
Taotluse esitamiseks sisene infosüsteemi AKIS.
AKIS kasutusjuhend.
F4-kategooria või avalikul üritusel F3-kategooria pürotehnilise tootega ilutulestiku korraldamise loa saamiseks tuleb taotlus koos lisadokumentidega (ilutulestiku korraldamist kajastav kirjeldus, õnnetuse vältimiseks rakendatavad abinõud, nõusolekud jm) esitada hiljemalt 5 tööpäeva enne ilutulestiku korraldamist.
Korraldaja saab taotluse menetluskäiku jälgida infosüsteemis AKIS.
Ametiasutuste kooskõlastuste alusel väljastatakse digiallkirjastatud ilutulestiku korraldamise luba. Korraldajale saadetakse e-kiri koos lingiga AKISes asuvale loale.
Teave lubatud ilutulestikest ilmub automaatselt Tallinna kodulehel.
When the result is unsatisfactory
Where to start
Check out Explosives Act .
For receiving a permit for fireworks carried out with the Class F3 and F4 pyrotechnic material, the application with the additional documents (project, plan of the shooting area with the danger area, the consent of the owner of the immovable property, the consent of the Civil Aviation Administration, etc.) must be submitted not later than five days before carrying out the fireworks.
The organizer receives a request to monitor the course of the proceedings in the information system AKIS.
On the basis of approvals of the competent authorities, a digitally signed permit of the fireworks is issued and delivered by email. The notification of the permitted fireworks will automatically appear on the website of the City of Tallinn.
When the result is unsatisfactory
Rectify the deficiencies in the fireworks organisation application according to received instructions.
Tallinn City Office
Reception hours
Tallinn City Office