Organisation of technical maintenance of the equipment on public playgrounds and cleaning works. New playgrounds and planning takes place according to the Tallinn City Council Regulation "Action Plan for public playgrounds in Tallinn 2011-2016" and the European Union standards EVS-EN 1176: 2008 and EVS-EN 1177: 2008th. More information of public playgrounds.
Atix OÜ
Address: Õnne tn 5
Phone: 57703000
E-mail: [email protected]
Website URL:
Avalike mänguväljakute inventari tehniline hooldus Haabersti, Kesklinna, Kristiine, Lasnamäe, Mustamäe, Nõmme, Pirita ja Põhja-Tallinna linnaosades
Website URL:
Info: Koristustööd mänguväljakutel
Reception hours
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department
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