Registration of companion animals
Organization of adding companion animals to the Tallinn's central register of Companion Animals after they have been marked with a microchip. Veterinarians will install a micro chip in the companion animal according to their price list. Companion animals registration is free.
Where to start
You can submit the application in the
Personal identification
Your identity will be identified in the portal when you login to use the service
Personal identification
Have an identity document and the dog's vaccination certification with you.
What to do with the form
Give them to a customer service employee.
Registreerimispunktid Tallinnas
Lemmikloomi saab tasuta registreerida kõigis linnaosades, asukohad leiab Tallinna lemmikloomaportaalist.
Registreerimispunktid Tallinnas
Lemmikloomi saab tasuta registreerida kõigis linnaosades, asukohad leiab Tallinna lemmikloomaportaalist.