Use permit and notice of use
The use permit is a confirmation that the structure (building or facility) has been built on the basis of a building permit and can be used for the intended purpose.
In certain cases, to start using the building or change the purpose of use, it is enough to notify the local government with a notice of use.
Whether and which document is needed is specified in this table. (Appendix 1 to the Building Code)
When the building is in the final stages of construction and before it will be taken into use, the owner of the building has to apply for the authorisation of the use from the local administration. If the building is jointly owned by many persons, the application of the authorisation of the use must be submitted jointly. To execute necessary review activities the owner of the building informs the official of the construction supervision authority who recorded the commmencement of the construction works. The official will determine the authorities who will participate in the review of the building and they will check the conformity of the building and sign the building's review document, before issuing the right of use.
Where to start
Submit an application for a use permit or notice of use through the building register.
List of additional documents for applying for the use permit or notice of use.
If possible, it is recommended to include the owner’s written consent with the application or notice.
A state fee must be paid for the service. See account numbers and more detailed instructions.
The Urban Planning Department may (depending on the object) require the submission of additional construction documents.
If necessary, the department involves relevant authorities and persons in the procedure, including the owner of the building, if the applicant is not the owner (if possible, it is recommended to add the written consent of the owner to the application or notice).
As a general rule, the Urban Planning Department also involves the Estonian Rescue Board in the procedure. You can find information about the documents to be submitted on the Estonian Rescue Board’s webpage. In the case of more detailed questions, we recommend contacting the specialists of the Estonian Rescue Board.
The application for a use permit is generally reviewed within 30 days. If there are comments during the review, the application will be returned to the applicant through the building register to resolve the comments. The procedure is suspended until all deficiencies are eliminated. Comments may be added as a result of resolving previous comments.
The notice of use will be reviewed within 10 days. If it is necessary to involve third parties or persons, the time of the notification of use procedure is extended to 40 days.
Where to start
Submit an application for a use permit or notice of use through the building register.
List of additional documents for applying for the use permit or notice of use.
If possible, it is recommended to include the owner’s written consent with the application or notice.
If it is not possible to use the building register, submit the following documents:
· on a digital medium (CD or USB flash drive); or
· on paper. Paper documents will be accepted by the office if they cannot be submitted digitally. Paper documents can be submitted at the Construction Unit, Vabaduse väljak 7, to the information specialist at service hall table no. 5.
See more details about the use of the building on the website of the City Planning Board.
A state fee must be paid for the service. See account numbers and more detailed instructions.
The Urban Planning Department may (depending on the object) require the submission of additional construction documents.
If necessary, the department involves relevant authorities and persons in the procedure, including the owner of the building, if the applicant is not the owner (if possible, it is recommended to add the written consent of the owner to the application or notice).
As a general rule, the Urban Planning Department also involves the Estonian Rescue Board in the procedure. You can find information about the documents to be submitted on the Estonian Rescue Board’s webpage. In the case of more detailed questions, we recommend contacting the specialists of the Estonian Rescue Board.
The application for a use permit is generally reviewed within 30 days. If there are comments during the review, the application will be returned to the applicant through the building register to resolve the comments. The procedure is suspended until all deficiencies are eliminated. Comments may be added as a result of resolving previous comments.
The notice of use will be reviewed within 10 days. If it is necessary to involve third parties or persons, the time of the notification of use procedure is extended to 40 days.
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade talituse juhataja
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade peaspetsislist
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade juhtivspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Põhja-Tallinn, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Ehitusosakonna juhataja
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: osa Kesklinnast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Kristiine, osa Kesklinna
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Haabersti
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Mustamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubae peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Haabersti
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Pirita, Haabersti, Mustamäe, Kristiine
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, Põhja-Tallinn, Nõmme, Kesklinn
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade talituse juhataja
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade peaspetsislist
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade juhtivspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Põhja-Tallinn, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Ehitusosakonna juhataja
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: osa Kesklinnast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Kristiine, osa Kesklinna
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubade peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Haabersti
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Nõmme
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Mustamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Kasutuslubae peaspetsialist
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, osa Piritast
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Haabersti
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Pirita, Haabersti, Mustamäe, Kristiine
City Planning Department
Teeninduspiirkond: Lasnamäe, Põhja-Tallinn, Nõmme, Kesklinn
City Planning Department
Name | Unit | Price | |
Tasuliste teenuste eest maksmine
0.00 €
Avalikkusele ligipääsetava eratee, õhutranspordirajatise, avalikus veekogus kaldaga püsivalt ühendamata rajatise, sealhulgas kaldaga funktsionaalselt seotud rajatise, veevärgi- ja kanalisatsioonitorustiku, veehoidla, niisutus- ja kuivendusrajatise, tõsteseadme, põhivõrgu elektrirajatise ja prügimäerajatise kasutusloa taotluse läbivaatamine ( Riigilõivuseadus §331)
60.00 €
Elamu ja seda teenindava rajatise kasutusloa taotluse läbivaatamine (Riigilõivuseaduse § 331)
30.00 €
Mitteelamu ja seda teenindava rajatise kasutusloa taotluse läbivaatamine (Riigilõivuseaduse §331)
60.00 €
Raudteerajatise, auditikohustusliku surveseadme või gaasipaigaldise, jaotusvõrgu elektrirajatise, side- ja telekommunikatsiooniehitise, kanalisatsiooniehitise, pinnaveehaarde, puurkaevu ning spordi- või puhkerajatise kasutusloa taotluse läbivaatamine (Riigilõivuseadus §331)
30.00 €
Riigi eriplaneeringu alusel ehitatava ehitise kasutusloa laotluse läbivaatamine (Riigilõivuseadus §215)
60.00 €
Riigilõiv- avalikku veekogusse kaldaga püsivalt ühendamata ehitise kasutusloa taotluse läbivaatamine (Riigilõivuseadus § 215)
60.00 €