Sports Centres and Halls
Here you can find city-managed sports centres and halls categorised by sport. Clicking on a sports hall will take you to its website, where you can find detailed descriptions, contact information, services and a price list. You can also view sports facilities by city district.
Athletics halls
- Õismäe Ball Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball, indoor hockey, indoor soccer
- Kalev Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, badminton, futsal
- Kristiine Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball, handball, futsal, indoor hockey
- Kristiine Sports House - basketball, handball, volleyball
- Lasnamäe Sport Facility - basketball, volleyball, handball, futsal, indoor hockey
- Lasnamäe Sports Games Hall - basketball, volleyball
- Kadaka Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball
- Põhja Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball, handball
- Valdeku Sauna and Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball, badminton
- Sõle Sports Centre - basketball, volleyball, handball, badminton, indoor hockey
- Tallinn English College Sports Hall - basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer
- Harku Rowing Center
- Õismäe Swimming Pool
- Tallinn Athletics Hall
- Lasnamäe Athletics Hall
- Lasnamäe Badminton Hall
- Lasnamäe Sports Facility
- Nõmme Sports Centre
- Põhja Sports Hall
- Lasnamäe Sports Games Hall
- Kristiine Sports Hall
- Kristiine Sports House
- Nõmme Swimming Pool
- Valdeku Sauna and Sports Hall
- Sõle Sports Centre
- Erika Gym Hall (Kopli Sports Hall)
- Kalev Sports Hall
- Lasnamäe Athletics Hall
- Tondiraba Ice Hall
- Kadaka Sports Hall
- Põhja Sports Hall
- Nõmme Swimming Pool
- Tallinn English College Sports Hall
- Lasnamäe Sport Facility - wrestling hall
- Põhja Sports Hall - boxing hall, judo hall
- Kristiine Sports House - judo hall
- Kristiine Sports Hall - table tennis hall
- Lasnamäe Athletics Hall - rock climbing wall, flygrossing
- Kristiine Sports Hall - rock climbing wall
- Sõle Sports Centre - judo hall, martial arts hall, fencing hall
- Paul Keres Chess House - chess, checkers, reju, etc.
Sports facilities by city district
Haabersti City Centre
- Kadrioru Stadium
- Kalev Sports Hall
- Paul Keres Chess House
- Tallinn Athletics Hall
- Tallinn English College Sports Hall
- Lasnamäe Athletics Hall
- Lasnamäe Sport Facility
- Lasnamäe Sports Games Hall
- Lasnamäe Badminton Hall
- Tondiraba Ice Hall
- Hiiu Stadium
- Mustamäe Ski Jump Tower
- Nõmme Sports Centre
- Nõmme Swimming Pool
- Valdeku Sauna and Sports Hall
You can find all of Tallinn’s sports centres and halls in the Estonian Sports Register