Tallinn Municipal Police Department
Address: Paldiski mnt 48a, 10614 Tallinn
Phone 14410 or +372 661 9860 (available 24/7; the cost of the call depends on your service provider's pricing)
E-mail [email protected]
Registry code 75034502
Head of Department: Elari Kasemets
The Tallinn Municipal Police Department helps ensure public order in the city.
For issues within the competence of the Municipal Police, please call 14410 or 661 9860. These information phones operate 24/7, and the cost of the call depends on your service provider's pricing:
Both numbers share a unified call queue. |
- Work hours and reception
MONDAY 8:15am to 6pm
TUESDAY-THURSDAY 8:15am to 5pm
FRIDAY 8:15am to 4pm
Municipal Police Department in districts
For issues under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Police Department, call 14410 or +372 661 9860. The helpline is available 24/7. The price of the call depends on the price list of your call service provider.
Please send written complaints and statements that require a quick response on the weekends to the e-mail address [email protected]. Generally, the Department does not respond to these letters because they are treated as police calls.
For questions related to warning fines, phone +372 5300 3103 (weekdays from 9am to 4pm)
You can get information about paying fines and receiving fine decisions on weekdays by calling +372 661 9862.
Head of Department Aivar Toompere
Second and last Monday of every month from 4pm to 6pm. Pre-register by phone +372 661 9863
Second and last Monday of every month from 1pm to 4pm
Meeli Alviste, phone +372 5193 2212
Veronika Ehrenbusch, phone +372 515 7387
Taxi permits
Information for drivers on the Taxi website.
For questions related to taxis, phone +372 650 6086, e-mail [email protected]
The taxi sector is currently only processing appeals and materials sent online!
Vehicle inspection
MONDAY 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm
TUESDAY, THURSDAY 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm - Fines
For questions related to warning fines, phone +372 5300 3103 (weekdays from 9am to 4pm)
You can get information about paying fines and receiving fine decisions on weekdays by calling +372 661 9862.
Warning fines can be paid using the self-service portal. When paying the fine, a payment form will open with the name of the selected bank, reference number and receiving account pre-filled. You can log in with an ID-card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID.
Read more about paying fines.
Complaint form (DOC file) - Structure
Head of Department Aivar Toompere
Employees who directly report to the Head of Department
General Unit
Registry Unit
Processing and Local Operations Unit
Patrol and Surveillance Unit
Tallinn Police Orchestra
The entire structure of the Tallinn Municipal Police Department - Tasks
- Among other things, the department is tasked with:
- managing the 14410 helpline supervising the implementation of legislation in the following areas:- urban environment: waste, public order and wellbeing, excavation work, keeping pets
- transport: public transport (the right to drive), taxi industry (including service cards, vehicle cards and taxi driving licenses)
- traffic supervision: compliance with parking requirements
- supervising the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products in public spaces
- performing tasks related to population protection, crisis management and prevention performing internal security duties in city institutions - Job advertisements
See all active job advertisements in the city of Tallinn.
- Services
Information about the services provided by the Tallinn Municipal Police Department can be found in the service database.
- Salary details
Salary details are published on the webpage on Public Administration.
- Public Procurements
Public procurements are published in the Public Procurements Register.
Legislations, useful information, frequently asked questions and user manuals of the public procurement register related to organising public procurements can be found on the Ministry of Finance website.
Tallinn Procurement Procedure - Procedural Restrictions
Information about activities and decisions for which procedural restrictions are not applied is published here (§ 11 subsection 3 clauses 4, 5 and 7 of the Anti-Corruption Act). Procedural restrictions will not be applied and a notice must be published:
- if the replacement of an official is not possible as a person meeting the requirements for the replacement could not be found;
- in regards to actions or decisions with which the institution performing a public task ensures the organisation of its work, with the exception of service-related decisions;
- in a city institution if, taking into account the specificities of the local government unit, the application of the procedural restrictions would be unreasonable from the point of view of public interest.
Currently, there are no such notices.
- Crisis readiness