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Tallinn Property Department

Tallinn Property Department


Address: Vabaduse väljak 10, 10146 Tallinn
Phone: +372 640 4517, +372 640 4500
[email protected]
Registry code: 75023757
Head of Department: Hardi Alliksaar


Vabaduse väljak10.jpg

The field of activity of the Tallinn Property Department is urban property, construction and management of buildings, land management and land taxation.

Work hours and reception

Work hours
MONDAY 8:15am to 6pm
TUESDAY-THURSDAY 8:15am to 5pm
FRIDAY 8:15am to 4pm

Reception hours
Head of Department (register by calling +372 640 4517)
MONDAY 4pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 10am to 12pm

Heads of Units
MONDAY 2pm to 4pm
THURSDAY 10am to 12pm
Other times on agreement with the relevant Official.

To register an appointment with the Head of the Land Procedures Unit, call +372 640 4295.
To register an appointment with the Head of the Housing Unit, call +372 640 4635.
To register an appointment with the Head of the Property Management Unit, call +372 640 4543.

Extension, amendment and termination of leases for residential premises (Vabaduse väljak 7, service bureau)
MONDAY 2pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 9am to 12pm
When amending or extending a lease contract, please e-mail
[email protected].

Rental Committee (Roosikrantsi 12/1 B)
MONDAY 9am to 12pm, 3pm to 6pm
WEDNESDAY 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 4pm
FRIDAY 9am to 12pm
Phone: +372 640 4560
[email protected]
Secretary of the Rental Committee Maarika Snoting

Procedure for recording phone calls


Head of Department Hardi Alliksaar
Deputy Head of Department Natalie Neill-Puskar
Deputy Head of Department Marko Sula

General Unit
Rental Committee
Housing Unit
Property Procedures Unit
Construction and Procurement Unit
Property Management Unit
Land Procedures Unit
Engineering and Development Unit


Among other things, the department is tasked with organising:

  • holding and using city property
  • constructing and maintenance of buildings
  • acquiring and using property (including inheritance, occupying an ownerless building, purchasing, expropriation, exercising pre-emption rights, renting) and returning and compensating property
  • formation of cadastral units (plots)
  • acquiring of property rights necessary for the use of land and establishment of building rights and other limited property rights on city properties
  • land privatisation and apartment ownership
  • accounting for taxable and tax-exempt land, including processing applications for land tax exemption
  • operation of Tallinn Property Register and Tallinn Land Tax Register
  • activities of the Tallinn Rental Committee and the Housing Association Information Centre

Services provided by the City Property Department

Job Offers

See all active job advertisements in the city of Tallinn.

Salary Details

Salary details are published on the webpage on Public Administration.

Public Procurements

Public procurements of the Tallinn Property Department are published in the Public Procurements Register.

Proceed as follows to find the list of public procurements announced by the Tallinn Property Department.

  • Enter the Public Procurements Register
  • In the field “Name of the procurer” enter “Tallinn Property Department”
  • In the field “Status of the procurement” select “Started” from the drop-down menu
  • Click on “Search for procurements”

Procurement procedure and plan
Procurement procedure of the Tallinn Property Department
Procurement Plan 2023

Procedural Restrictions

Information about activities and decisions for which procedural restrictions are not applied is published here (§ 11 subsection 3 clauses 4, 5 and 7 of the Anti-Corruption Act). Procedural restrictions will not be applied and a notice must be published:

  • if the replacement of an official is not possible as a person meeting the requirements for the replacement could not be found;
  • in regards to actions or decisions with which the institution performing a public task ensures the organisation of its work, with the exception of service-related decisions;
  • in a city institution if, taking into account the specificities of the local government unit, the application of the procedural restrictions would be unreasonable from the point of view of public interest.

Currently, there are no such notices.


Studies ordered by the Tallinn Property Department can be found in the Tallinn Research Information System.

Vision, mission and values

Vision: Together we create the city of tomorrow!
Mission: To create a smart, caring city that feels like home


Person-centred: We work as a united team, helping, supporting and co-operating with one another. We try to discuss complicated issues in a clear and simple manner. It is important to us that accessing services is easy and dignified for the city’s residents. We understand that we create value for people.

Trustworthiness: We are honest and trustworthy in what we do. Our decisions are justified and transparent and our words and actions are consistent.

Quality: We are professionals in our field. We keep our promises and focus on our goal and solutions. We are innovative and constantly improve ourselves so as to be able to advise others.


Tallinn Property Department Statute
Property Procedures Unit Statute
Housing Unit Statute
Rental Committee Statute 
General Unit Statute
Construction and Procurement Unit Statute
Development Unit Statute

Last modified 02.01.2025