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Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department

Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department


Endla 8, 10122 Tallinn
Phone +372 645 7440
[email protected] 
Registry code 75014965 
Head of Department Raimo Saadi

The Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department organises social welfare and activities related to disease prevention and health promotion of city residents.
Work hours and reception

Work hours
MONDAY 8:15am to 6pm
TUESDAY-THURSDAY 8:15am to 5pm
FRIDAY 8:15am to 4pm

If you want to make an appointment with an official, please book a time with them by phone or e-mail. Contact information can be found in the phone book

Head of Department Raimo Saadi
MONDAY 4pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 10am to 12pm
To make an appointment please pre-register by calling +372 645 7440 or by e-mail at 
[email protected].

Social transport
Senior specialist Tiia Tiik, phone +372 645 7465, e-mail [email protected]
MONDAY 3pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 10am to 12pm

Home adaptations
Chief Specialist Pille Aadel, phone +372 640 4329, e-mail [email protected]
MONDAY 3pm to 6pm
THURSDAY 10am to 12pm

In case of concern, first contact the social welfare department of your district. They will help you find the service you need and apply for support.

Submission of orders for the social transport service
Contact the social welfare department of your district.

Some concerns can also be helped by:
Social Insurance Board(pensions, parental benefit, family allowances, adoption, identification of severity of disability)
Health Board (registration of healthcare workers, activity permits, environmental health, product safety)
Estonian Health Insurance Fund (general practitioners, health insurance, dental compensation, treatment queues)


Head of Department: Raimo Saadi
The entire structure of the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department
Budgeting Subunit
Health Subunit
Administrative Subunit
Legal and Procurement Sector
Child Protection Sector
Welfare and Health Unit
Guardianship Sector
Immigrant Adaptation Support Department
External Project Coordinators

Administered institutions

Ameti juhataja Raimo Saadi

Kogu Tallinna Sotsiaal- ja Tervishoiuameti struktuur

Eelarve sektor
Õiguse- ja hankesektor
Laste ja perede heaolu osakond
Sotsiaalteenuste ja -toetuste osakond
Eestkoste sektor
Uussisserändajate kohanemise toetamise osakond

Hallatavad asutused


Among other things, the department is tasked with:

  • maintaining and improving the quality of life of Tallinn residents and their livelihood and participation in society
  • planning and organising social welfare and informing the city’s residents and organisations about the possibilities of receiving help
  • planning and implementing social welfare and health promotion projects
  • organising seminars, conferences and information days on the topics of social welfare, healthcare and health promotion
  • consulting the social welfare departments and welfare institutions of the districts in the organisation of social welfare
  • performing guardianship over adults under the guardianship of the city of Tallinn
  • managing and organising transactions proposed by a district government on behalf of a minor that require the court's consent according to family law

Information about the services provided by the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department can be found in the service database.

Job advertisements

See all active job advertisements in the city of Tallinn.


Students who are at least in their second year of study at an educational institution registered in the Republic of Estonia are applicable for an internship.
In order to take part in the internship at the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department, please submit:
- application (*.doc)
- your educational institution’s internship guide
- academic statement
- curriculum vitae (you can also use the given

Please send the documents at least one month before the desired start of the internship to the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department’s HR partner Pille Kesküll’s e-mail [email protected].

Salary details

Salary details are published on the webpage on Public Administration.

Public Procurements

The public procurements of the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department are published in the Public Procurements Register, where you can also find legislation, instructions, manuals and support materials related to the organisation of public procurements (including frequently asked questions).

Tallinn Procurement Procedure
Procurement Plan 2023

Procurement Plan 2022
Procurement Plan 2021

Procurement Plan 2020 
Procurement Plan 2019
Procurement Plan 2018
Procurement Plan 2017
Procurement Plan 2016
Procurement Plan 2015
Procurement Plan 2014
Procurement Plan 2013
Procurement Plan 2012


Studies ordered by the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department can be found in the Tallinn Study Information System.



PLEASE NOTE! You can also add subtitles to videos from the video settings!

  The Tallinn Social Welfare and Health Care Department is accessible to all! In the spring of 2017, the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities recognised us with the accessibility mark “You can access this”!

The initial task of the accessibility information system
Preliminary analysis of the accessibility information system
Presentation of the basic task of the accessibility information system
A manual for organising an accessible and versatile cultural event
Development focuses of accessibility in Tallinn from 2016 to 2022, in English
Compliance of construction projects with disability requirements
Accessibility information seminars

Tallinn City’s accessibility audit 2013 PDF file, DOC file 
Tallinn City’s Board of Disabled People’s comments on Tallinn's accessibility audit (DOC file)
Tallinn Association of Disabled People’s additions to the accessibility audit (DOC-fail)
The proposals of the North Estonian Blind Association for Tallinn's accessibility audit

Procedural Restrictions

Information about activities and decisions for which procedural restrictions are not applied is published here (§ 11 subsection 3 clauses 4, 5 and 7 of the Anti-Corruption Act). Procedural restrictions will not be applied and a notice must be published:

  • if the replacement of an official is not possible as a person meeting the requirements for the replacement could not be found;
  • in regards to actions or decisions with which the institution performing a public task ensures the organisation of its work, with the exception of service-related decisions;
  • in a city institution if, taking into account the specificities of the local government unit, the application of the procedural restrictions would be unreasonable from the point of view of public interest.
Currently, there are no such notices.
 Interesting facts

On 17 October 2019, Minister of Social Affairs Tanel Kiik and Minister of Population Riina Solman handed over family-friendly employer labels to 54 employers at a festive recognition event. Welfare and Health Care Department was the first Tallinn city department to receive the family-friendly employer silver label. In 2021, we also successfully passed the follow-up assessment and still maintained the family-friendly employer silver label.
On 17 June 2022, the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care Department was given the remote worker label.

An overview of the services offered to families or individuals by two partners of the strategic partnership project of the Ministry of Social Affairs managed by SA Väärtustades Elu in 2020-2022

Last modified 03.12.2024