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Tallinn Rental Committee

Tallinn Rental Committee

Vabaduse väljak 10 hoone

The Tallinn Rental Committee settles disputes arising from tenancy agreements.

The rental committee settles disputes that have arisen from tenancy in Tallinn and have not been referred to court before. In order to settle a tenancy dispute, a party to the tenancy agreement (landlord or tenant) of a residential property in Tallinn may apply to the committee.

The judgements of the rental committee that have entered into force are obligatory for both parties to fulfil and, if necessary, an interested party can turn to a bailiff in order to comply with them.


Introduction of the Tallinn Rental Committee

A group of three members from the committee will look over the rent dispute.

  • Only a person who has completed the state-recognised curriculum for academic studies in law and passed the exam for becoming a member of the rental committee may become a chairman of the rental committee.
  • The condition for being a member of the rental committee is to pass the membership exam.

Submitting the application

The Tallinn Rental Committee takes up a tenancy dispute on the basis of a written application from the tenant or landlord. Read more about submitting an application and submit your application.

Submit an application
Here you will find a pre-filled application and see what steps are necessary in resolving the dispute.


Legal judgements 

The judgements of the Tallinn Rental Committee are public. Judgements that have entered into force are published on the rental committee’s website. A judgement that has entered into force is obligatory for both parties to fulfil. A judgement by the committee which has entered into force shall be enforced through a bailiff in accordance with the enforcement proceedings. See judgements by year (In Estonian).

See judgements by year (In Estonian)

Contact details and office hours

Tallinn Rent Committee
Roosikrantsi 12/1, B building, I floor
[email protected]

Secretary of the Rent Committee
Maarika Snoting
640 4560
[email protected]

Chairperson of the Rent Committee
Heli Hellamaa
640 4523
[email protected]

Member of the Rent Committee:
Anne Oad
640 4566
[email protected]

Member of the Rent Committee
Mai Sõber
640 4684
[email protected]

Office hours
Please register by phone or e-mail.

  • Monday 09:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00
  • Wednesday 09:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00
  • Friday 09:00-12:00

Last modified 21.02.2024