Election process in 2021
1) Voters will be counted in the Population Registry. The voter will be added to the list of voters in the electoral district their place of residence is registered in according to the Population Registry as of 17 September. In order to vote for a candidate in your electoral district of residence and visit a polling place near your home, your place of residence must be updated by 17 September at the latest in the following cases:
- you live in Tallinn but this has not been noted in the Population Registry;
- you have moved from one district to another but have not updated your place of residence in the Population Registry.
2) The voter can vote in the polling place of their choice in their electoral district. The voter is not restricted to one specific polling place because electronic lists of voters will be used. Nothing has changed in the voting process – you can still vote for your district’s candidates. For example, if you are a voter in Kristiine, you were previously only able to go to the specific polling place tied to your residence (e.g. a nearby school) and vote there for the candidates running in Krisitiine, but now you can choose a polling place of your liking out of all the polling places in the Kristiine district and still vote for any of the candidates in Kristiine.
3) The Ministry of the Interior will send voters an information sheet instead of a voter’s card. The terms and conditions of the right to vote and the options for voting in the city are presented on the information sheet. The information sheet will be sent either electronically or on paper. The information sheet will be sent electronically to those who have set up automatic forwarding from their official e-mail to their personal e-mail on the eesti.ee website, the rest will receive an information sheet in the mail at the address of their residence. You do not have to take the information sheet with you to the polling place.
4) The active voting period lasts one week – from Monday to Sunday:
- from Monday to Thursday, you can vote in any local government centre’s polling place regardless of your place of residence. 31 of these polling places will be opened in Tallinn in 2021. Voting will also take place in the location of the voter;
- from Friday to Sunday, all the polling places will be open but the voter can only vote in their electoral district or from home;
- from Monday to Sunday, electronic voting will also be open.
5) The period of voting from home will be extended. You can vote at home from Friday to Sunday if needed.
6) On Sunday, you can change your e-vote in the polling place by voting with a paper ballot.
7) Agitation is prohibited only in the voting room, everywhere else it is allowed. Political outdoor advertising is allowed.