Changes in public transportation routes from October 21, 2023
Additional information (timetables, route changes, and stops):
Ending detour:
- Bus route No.5 will end its detour and go back to its normal route on Narva maantee
Detour changes:
- Detours due to the construction of the Old City Harbor tramway will change on bus routes No. 1, 29, 34, 35, 38, 44, 51, 60, 63 (until the construction work is completed)
- Bus routes No. 1 and No. 29, departing from the city center, will return to their regular routes via the terminal
- School bus routes Viimsi keskus – Balti jaam and Tammneeme Center - Balti jaam will travel through Narva maantee, Pronksi street, Rävala puiestee, Kaubamaja street, and Estonia puiestee. Stops will be added on the modified route at Raua, Paberi, and Tornimäe
Please allow extra time for your travels.
Detours due to the construction of the Old City Harbor tramway will change on the following routes:
Bus route No. 1
- In the direction of Viru Keskus, the route will be replaced with route A. Laikmaa: stops will be added at Raua, Paberi, Tornimäe, and the final stop at A. Laikmaa
- In the direction of Viimsi keskus, the journey will begin at Viru Keskus stop No. 5
Bus route No. 29:
- In the direction of Viru Keskus, the route will be replaced with route A. Laikmaa, with stops at Raua, Paberi, Tornimäe, and a final stop at A. Laikmaa.
- In the direction of Iru hooldekodu and Priisle, the initial stop will be at Viru Keskus stop No. 6.