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The People Side of Innovation

The People Side of Innovation

These days, there is much talk about open innovation, business model innovation and innovation culture. These are important topics, but the most significant element to anything related to innovation will always be people.

It is people that make things happen and this is you, your colleagues, your customers and other external partners that you engage with to bring innovation to market.

It is not that long ago that a good innovator was considered to be a good engineer or R&D person. However, things have changed big time over the last 5-7 years as the open innovation and business model innovation movements continue to rise while companies have failed to upgrade their innovation capabilities during the financial crisis.

The topics include:

• the critical personal competencies for innovation success
• an overview of the types of people and functions you need for a strong innovation team
• insights on the key elements for corporate innovation training programs
• a view on why some people kill innovation – and how to deal with them

Stefan Lindegaard

Tallinna Innovation Day 2014


Viimati muudetud 21.02.2024