English for International Relations I and II
1. English for International Relations (Part I)
English for International Relations (Английский язык международных
отношений (дипломатия/политика)) 35 hours
The students familiarize themselves with the language of International Relations through
reading articles of political nature from modern periodicals and online sources, their
discussion and analysis. Terminology of international relations and language of
Aims: getting to know the articles / news on the important issues of the day, acquisition
of terminology typical and characteristic of the language of diplomacy and international
The mark is given based on completed tasks and tests covering the material studied
during the course.
2. English for International Relations (Part II: International Society, for
those who have done the first part of the course)
English for International Relations (Английский язык международных
отношений (дипломатия/политика)) 35 hours
The students familiarize themselves with the language of International Relations through
reading articles of political nature from modern periodicals and online sources, their
discussion and analysis. Terminology of international relations and language of diplomacy.
Aims: getting to know the articles / news on the important issues of the day, acquisition of
terminology typical and characteristic of the language of diplomacy and international
The mark is given based on completed tasks and tests covering the material studied during
the course.