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Building public drinking water taps in Tallinn

Building public drinking water taps in Tallinn


Projekti kirjeldus eesti keeles

In autumn 2023, 15 new drinking water taps have been installed in different locations in Tallinn as part of a project.

The need for public water taps has been made particularly relevant considering hot summers of recent years. Water taps help to reduce the health risks caused by heat and the use of reusable water bottles alongside with the tap water reducing the emergence of plastic waste. With one cubic meter of tap water, it is possible to prevent the production, transportation and handling of 2,000 plastic or glass bottles, because packaging a cubic meter of water takes just as many bottles. 

The awareness of Tallinn residents about free drinking water taps is high - they are aware that free public water taps are open in the city during the summer season and because of that they are very popular. Taps are temporarily closed when cold temperatures arrive to prevent ice damage.

On 22 June 2023, the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department concluded a contract with OÜ Watercom for the construction of drinking water taps in Tallinn. The contractual cost of the works is 339 120 euros and the period of performance of the contract is 5 months. A total of 15 drinking water taps will be built. 


Input for the selection of taps locations was asked from city residents through feedback survey. The feedback survey was conducted between 25.10 and 15.11 2022.

On 28.09.2023 a general education event was held, where plans for the installation of drinking water taps were introduced to city residents, who listened to a lecture on the quality of drinking water in Tallinn.  The event took place in the New World Green, where the first drinking water taps was built as part of a project.


Public drinking water taps were opened on 24.04.2024 with cheerful event on playground of Kalamaja Cemetery Park. Kalamaja kindergarten group „Leevikesed“ (Bullfinches) had an exciting event with the mascot Tilgu of Tallinna Vesi AS and a scientist of Animator Show.

Installation of all taps within the project is complete.

Check the locations of new future water taps:

The availability of high-quality drinking water shall be ensured from all drinking water taps. Water complies with the requirements of Regulation No 61 of the Minister of Social Affairs of 24.06.2019 "Quality and control requirements and methods of analysis of drinking water."

Project timeline: 23.09.2022 - 30.04.2024
Project number: 2014-2021.1.06.22-0112
Project is finansed through The environmental Investment Centre (EIC) from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation”
Project budget is 352 311,25 euros, from which the grant size is 85% (299 464,56 euros).


Viimati muudetud 25.04.2024