Pelgulinna Highschool In English
School overview
Address: Mulla 7, Tallinn, Estonia
Principal: Tõnu Piibur
Learning manager Tiina Tiit
- Students: 960
- Teachers: 70
Students background 85% estonians, 15% russians.
Special branches: art, informatics, math-logic, folk dance.
Our school pedagogical approach:
Innovation and use of digital tools, including digital safety, coding, drones etc.
Descriptive evaluation, less grading (numbers)
Combining subjects STEAM - S: Physical and Social SCIENCES, T: Incorporation of TECHNOLOGY, E: Principles of ENGINEERING and Design, A: English Language ARTS, M: Application of MATHEMATICS
International cooperation
Art projects and creativity
Technology usage: computer lessons for every class: mobile-smart lessons, robotics, 3D printing, web development, computer graphics, animation, developing mobile apps. BringYourOwnDevice, free WiFi, LanParty, SmartCircus. E-school, cloud services and apps, Moodle.
Every class has a computer and projector, WiFi.
Teachers with students can use tablets and laptops, BYOD
Every teacher is responsible of his/here use of technologies (according to curriculum agreements).
Curriculum is divided to digital competencies in ordinary lessons and informatics lessons. Informatics lessons gives special teachers. Informatics is teached from 2nd grade to 11th.
Local partners: Ministry's (Education, Foreign Ministry, Defence, Economic Affair and Communication); Educational Department of Tallinn and City Council, HITSA (ProgeTiger, E-Twinning), Microsoft, IBM, Tallinn University, Tartu University, Look at World Foundation, Eesti 2.0, Elisa Estonia, Telia Estonia, TransferWise, Embassy of the United States, British Embassy Tallinn etc.
Videos and articles:
BBC (Computer Coding taught in Estonian primary schools)
Penguins, robots, 7,000: The story of finding the secret recipe to get kids to love coding
3D Creationist: Teaching Children to Build a Better Tomorrow
Teaching online safety and citizenship