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Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects

Project name: SMART-UP BSR - Improving smart specialisation implementation of the Baltic Sea Region through orchestrating innovation hubs ibsr_p1_Smart-up BSR_project-logo_full-coloured.jpg

Programme: the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme

Partners: Partners and associated partners cover the whole Baltic Sea Region consisting of 13 project Partners (PPs) including Russia, and the Associate Organisations (AOs) include 23 actors playing an important role in activities of Smart-up BSR. The Lead Partner is Aalto University from Finland.

Duration: 01.10.2017–30.09.2020

Budget: 2,40 Mio euros, including Tallinn`s budget of 179 770 euros (co-financing 26 966 euros)

Description:  Smart-up BSR addresses the challenges regions face in implementing their regional research and innovation policies. The results will enable partners and others in BSR to effectively realize their policies in practice, eliminate obstacles and leverage their collective knowledge and expertise to achieve effective regional and transnational collaboration. In addition, results will scale to the Baltic Sea Region as a whole, creating a promising pan-BSR process.

In addition of regional RIS3 strategies and roadmaps, Smart-up BSR project focuses on four thematic content areas and pioneering projects in BSR regions:

  • Active Healthy Ageing;
  • Smart city;
  • Climate change;
  • Circular and sharing economy

The project will experiment, prototype and pilot new solutions, using diverse concepts and change management methodologies such as Innovation Camps, prototyping and a development path for orchestrating collaboration in Regional Innovation Ecosystems.

Main Smart-up BSR results include:

  • BSR RIS3 strategies and roadmaps updates by regions
  • BSR macro regional collaboration and engagement via systemic transnational partnering process
  • New instruments and platforms for engagement, value creation and innovation hub development using effective methodologies for realizing RIS3 priorities in practice
  • BSR recommendation for macro-regional policies development, implementation and engagement in EC
  • Diverse ‘new professionals’ who can facilitate regional actors to work effectively to realize RIS3 innovation processes;
  • Improved RIS3 stakeholder engagement, RIS3 realisation efficiency and RIS3 dissemination for wider use in partner regions.

Project website:

Sustainable Baltic Sea Region 2030 Helsinki-Espoo-Kotka Innovation Camp 02.05.2019 – 04.05.2019

Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region Innovation Camp Potsdam 28.11.2018 – 30.11.2018

Läänemere riigid otsisid Tallinnas nutikaid võimalusi linnaruumi parendamiseks

Tallinn Innovation Camp

Baltic Sea Region Smart-Up Innovation Camp Tallinn 2018

Innovation Camp Aarhus 2018

Project contact in Tallinn: Jaanus Vahesalu, Tallinn City Enterprise Department

Последнее изменение 21.02.2024