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Tallinn High School of Humanities (Tallinna Humanitaargumnaasium) has been functioning for more than 55 years now (founded in 1963). It is a comprehensive school for students between 7 and 19 years of age. All in all, there are approximately 1100 students, who are mainly Russian speakers, representing the largest minority group in Estonia.

We actively use the principle of the Estonian language immersion method as a part of CLIL system teaching 60% of subjects in Estonian which is a national state language. Apart from Estonian, students study Russian, English and German. The school is in the network of ELOS schools where we implement European values not only via different subjects but also through participating in international projects (Erasmus+, both for students and teachers), international exchange programmes with partner schools in the Netherlands, Sweden, Slovenia, Italy, Germany, etc., which is of great help to integrate our students into European society. Our school policy is to encourage our young people of Russian community to feel as an essential part of the Estonian society.

Our school has a long-lasting tradition of hosting different events, such as English, Estonian, Russian and German weeks, Speaker's contests, olympiads. Sports is also of great importance, especially, volleyball. Students of different ages form teams and take part in competitions, both local, national and international, and they are always among the first winners.

The mission and educational objectives of the staff is to raise a new generation of young people who master good knowledge of languages, are competitive at labour market and preserve their national culture in multicultural society. Participation in international projects and exchange programmes adds considerably to students understanding and accepting European values.

Последнее изменение 23.06.2022